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Newsletter mailing and history

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    Newsletter mailing and history


    We're wanting to export our active client list to Word in order to creating mailing labels for our quarterly newsletter, how can we add history to all these clients that a newsletter was sent out, outside of going through one by one and adding a manual history/note?

    Thank you,

    Re: Newsletter mailing and history

    Thank you for asking this.

    There is no need to manually add an History Note to each client on your list. You can add an History Note to all of them at once!

    Open the Accounts window, filter the Accounts list to show only the clients subscribed to your newsletter (you should probably use the same filter you used to export the client list) and then select the following option from the menu:
    Accounts > Tools > Add Group History Note...

    A window will open where you should write the content of the new History Note ("Received May 2008 newsletter" etc.) and confirm.

    This will automatically add the History Note you've just written to ALL the Accounts shown on the, optionally filtered, list.




      Re: Newsletter mailing and history

      Perfect, this is great.

      What's a good way to mark a client as one to receive the newsletter?


        Re: Newsletter mailing and history

        There are several ways to do it.

        One way would be to use one of the predefined custom fields (or to create a new custom field), called Field1, Field2 etc. Each of these fields is a drop down list that can be customized to have the following values "Weekly Newsletter", "Monthly Newsletter", etc.
        Then, for each Account you want to subscribe to the newsletter select the proper value.

        When exporting data or adding an History Note to all Accounts you can filter the list by this field to list only Accounts that are subscribed to the newsletter.

        BTW, you can modify the label of the Field1 data field (and others) to 'NewsL' so it will be more convenient (right click the existing label and select 'Field Settings...'.

        When filtering you should select 'NewsL'='Weekly Newsletter' or 'NewsL'='Monthly Newsletter'.
        In order to filter all Accounts which are subscribed to your newsletter (weekly or monthly) you can filter by 'NewsL' - includes - 'Newsletter' and any account that has one of the newsletter values will be listed.



