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Dashboard View - Current Status

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    Dashboard View - Current Status

    Hi, I am interested in finding out if there is a central "Dashboard" which shows a summary of outstanding tasks, opportunity summary, billing for the day (or date range) etc...
    I have seen some of the products like Autotask and their first screen is a dashboard with summaries or these items..

    If it doesn't exist, is it in the list for any future versions?

    I am just trialing your software at the moment, I have found it simple to get up and running.

    Linden Jackson
    Agile IT Solutions

    Re: Dashboard View - Current Status

    Hello lindenaj,

    Thank you for the feedback and I'm glad to hear that you find the system easy to set up.

    Yes, a dashboard will be added, it is currently planned for release 4.5 (4.4 has just been released today! we tend to release a new version every few months).


    *** RangerMSP Update **

    A Statistics Board was released in RangerMSP version 5.6 which provides much of the functionality requested above.

    See more details in What's new in version 5.6.



      Re: Dashboard View - Current Status

      Has this been implemented yet?


        Re: Dashboard View - Current Status

        Hi wsandwith,

        I just checked this again and the dashboard feature is still in our development queue. I currently do not have any additional information regarding its time frame. We may update this thread once we have more info on this. Thanks.



          Re: Dashboard View - Current Status

          Sherry, when you say "in our development queue" does that mean it is currently in development or that it is on the to-do list? I understand you can't disclose when it may be made available but I as you can see up above it was stated that it was scheduled for 4.5 which has come and gone already. Maybe you could tell us whether it's being actively worked on or it is on your list of things to come.



            Re: Dashboard View - Current Status

            Hi AJ,

            Plenty of development resources has already been put on this feature. That said, we cannot provide a release date for this feature yet. Originally we thought about releasing this feature earlier, however, due to various priority considerations based on users feedback and requests for other, also useful, features, we've decided to develop and release some other options prior to this.

            We receive plenty of feedback directly and on this forum and we must carefully prioritize our work. I would like to take this opportunity and thank everyone for sending their ideas and for providing such a great feedback. We have no doubt that your feedback is a major reason for our success.

            As for the dashboard, we can say that we do understand that it will be useful and that we do plan to release it in one of our coming releases. Thank you for your understanding and for following up on this.



              Re: Dashboard View - Current Status

              Thanks Sherry. That's all I needed to hear!


                Re: Dashboard View - Current Status

                I'm just on my third day of working with CommitCRM CRM.
                Today I realized that I couldn't at a glance see what I needed to do or what others should be doing.
                Has the Dashboard option gotten any closer to being reality?


                  Re: Dashboard View - Current Status


                  Thanks for that last post.
                  This is a popular feature request, and it is on the planning board.
                  We hope to see this feature soon in RangerMSP.
                  Thanks for following up.

                  Reno Breen


                    Re: Dashboard View - Current Status

                    As a developer I can understand your process for getting it done.
                    So as a user how do I get the results I need in the meantime?
                    I want my support people to come in in the morning and either see or at least print out their work list for the day.
                    Managers need to see or print a view of what didn't get done the day before and they need to see what their staff should be working on that day.
                    What current functions would I use?



                      Re: Dashboard View - Current Status

                      Perhaps this can help - when you want your support people to come in in the morning and print out their work list for the day you can use ticket reports by appointments for this.

                      The idea is that you would basically dispatch tickets to technicians, and then the techs can see their appointments in the calendar. using the ticket report by appointment will print out all the service form scheduled for the day for each tech.

                      You can print a Technician service report for each ticket they need to handle, from the reports window > tickets category. While generating the report, you can use the Filter according to Appointments option to add print all ticket which have a specific tech assigned to them.

                      Other than that, they can simply view their appointments and tasks in the calendar, and the tickets assigned to them in the tickets window (each user can filter the tickets list to show only tickets where they are the "ticket manager").

                      I hope this helps!



                        Re: Dashboard View - Current Status

                        I would love a dashboard with a overview of upcoming events!

