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Customers with multiple sites

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    Customers with multiple sites

    Hi there,

    Whats the best way to handle customers with multiple sites??

    I could add a contact for each of the sites. But what about then the users at these sites - how could I assign then to individual sites?

    Any ideas would be great - or if its not possible - maybe a feature request - ability to handle customers with multiple sites ?


    Re: Customers with multiple sites


    There's a forum post that talks about the possibilities of multiple points of presence. I think this may contains some ideas and pointers to other forum threads on the subject which can be helpful.

    Please click here to read more.

    Let me know if this helps.



      Re: Customers with multiple sites

      Hi ,

      Thanks for the reply. As I see it CommitCRM are suggesting using the secondary contact to achieve a solution. This does not really work when we use secondary contacts for the customers staff.

      Using a prefix for the site within the staff name is a work-around (not ideal)- but could you please consider implementing a dedicated solution for multi site customers withinCommitCRM. (As per some of the suggestions within the threads you suggested).

      Thanks and look forwarding to hopefully seeing it added some day soon :)



        Re: Customers with multiple sites

        Hi Jeremy,

        Thanks for the feedback on the subject. Please note that this featur is on our queue, and although we're not sure how this will be implemented. We know that this issue is of high interest to our customers, it is to us too.

        Keep the comments coming.

        Reno Breen

        RangerMSP Support


          Re: Customers with multiple sites

          We also need a better method for working with multiple site clients. We really need to be setting them up as different accounts but also be able to share contracts between them.


            Re: Customers with multiple sites

            Hi Edward,

            Thank you for your vote on this. The development team is lookng into implementation of better multiple site management.

            Let me know if there’s anything else.

            Reno Breen

            RangerMSP Support

