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Customize quickbooks link fields

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    Customize quickbooks link fields

    Is there any way to map the quickbooks fields to CommitCRM fields?

    Still having the issue when tested previously of the item name/number field in quickbooks getting synced across to the item code, name and notes fields in CommitCRM .

    Was advised to just change it in CommitCRM after the sync, however this doesnt work well as if the items are updated its either overwritten or quickbooks is changed.

    Also if creating the item in CommitCRM then sending to quickbooks it does not populate the tax code or correctly assign the income account.

    Being able to see the mapping would really help understand whats going on here

    Some help would be appreciated

    Re: Customize quickbooks link fields

    Thank you for posting this.

    The mapping fields between RangerMSP and QuickBooks is fixed and is done automatically. Please note that in RangerMSP Code and Name are both mandatory Item fields while in QuickBooks it is possible to have Items with only a name (e.g. no code).

    When a new Item is created in RangerMSP based on an Item in QuickBooks, the Item name from QuickBooks is used for the Item Code and also as the name in RangerMSP Item (again, both are mandatory in RangerMSP).

    The Item Code does NOT change when syncing item details between the two systems, so you CAN update the Item Code in RangerMSP and this will NOT be overwritten next time you sync Items QuickBooks (and yet the link between the Item in RangerMSP and the one in QuickBooks is preserved).

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Customize quickbooks link fields

      Any plans on making this customizable at any stage? would help with custom fields etc as well.

      Also would have thought it more relevant to have iten name/Number ==> Item code and Description ==> Name


        Re: Customize quickbooks link fields

        At this time it isn't planned, for many reasons, thank you for asking.
        Please note that QuickBooks Item might not have a Description as well (and the Description field of an Item in RangerMSP is an additional field, e.g. it has Code, Name and Description).

        In case it is more convenient for you to see the Description when searching an Item then you can use magnifying glass button to open Item selection window that also displays the Description column - you can also drag the Description column to the left to make it more visible.

        Hope it helps.

