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RangerMSP’s Online Messages

Welcome to the Online Message Help page.

Online Messages is RangerMSP’s way to keep users updated and send you up-to-date information online, right into the RangerMSP application window.

What are Online Messages?
The Online Messages feature displays messages at the bottom of your RangerMSP application window. These messages may also include links to Web pages with additional information. Through this method of communication, we can let you know of new interesting forum discussions, new tips and helpful videos, and more. We also encourage our users to send us their own messages, which may be distributed to all of our customers.

What do I need to do in order to receive these messages?
Online Messages are automatically distributed to all users in your organization, directly into their RangerMSP application windows. Online Message only requires your employees to have Internet access and that your Application Firewall, if installed, is set to allow RangerMSP.exe to access the Internet. Please note that the Internet access is required for pulling the messages off our Web site—and nothing more.

Where can I see the Online Messages?
The Online Messages appear at the bottom of your RangerMSP application window. The messages are automatically refreshed, and you can use the up and down arrows to scroll between the messages.

What if I don’t want to see the messages?
No problem. You can close the Messages area by clicking the X sign at the top of your screen or by going to the ‘View’ menu and deselecting the ‘Show Online Messages Pane’ option.