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How to link ticket to KB article

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    How to link ticket to KB article


    I have a recurring maintenance task. I created a KB article on how to perform the task. Now as I complete the ticket, I would like to put in the Resolution "see KB" and have a link to the KB article. Also I want to schedule the recurring task with a direct link to the KB article.

    How do I link to KB articles from tickets?

    Come to think of it, what is the recommended way to schedule recurring tasks? Using tickets? That links this month's contract, which will no longer be active when the task is due. Should I just add a Task and create the ticket when the time comes?


    Re: How to link ticket to KB article

    When completing a ticket, you can easily turn it into a Knowledge Base Article from the ticket window, using the More Actions menu in the toolbar > New Knowledge Base Article from Ticket option. this will copy the ticket description and resolution to the article's problem and solution. Having a link to the article from within a ticket or a task is a good idea, and I logged this as a feature request. Thanks.

    As for recurring tasks, you can implement this in two ways:
    1) For simple tasks you can create a regular Task in RangerMSP, and set it as a recurring task via the Task's details window.
    2) For more complex jobs, which require creating a ticket, you can use an Activity Template, which will include the recurring ticket, and assign it as the linked template for the recurring contract. This way, when you renew the contract, the activities (i.e. tickets) will be automatically created for the new contract date. You can read more about this in the Activity Templates user guide here.



      Re: How to link ticket to KB article

      Thanks Neta.

      On your option #2, will that work if the activity only occurs every three months, but the contract renews monthly?



        Re: How to link ticket to KB article

        Activity Template linked to a service Contract is automatically applied every time the contract is renewed, in case it is renewed every 3 months and actions should be performed on a monthly basis you should consider applying the template manually once a month to create all the monthly tickets/tasks etc.

        Another option (which is closer to my original suggestion) to consider is to add all activities for the entire contract duration (e.g. 3 months) in a single Activity Template - i.e. create all the tickets and tasks you'll need to handle during this period - probably repeated every month. In this case all activities will be created automatically for the entire duration once the contract is renewed.



          Re: How to link ticket to KB article

          Hi Neta,

          I was actually asking about the opposite scenario: a contract that renews monthly (monthly fixed-price charge is attached), but the activity only occurs every three months.



            Re: How to link ticket to KB article

            Oh, in this case, I would go for a simple Recurring Task. You can easily turn a Task into a Ticket by right-clicking the Task and using the New Ticket from Task option from the popup menu. This way you can be reminded about the job every 3 months, and turn it into a ticket easily.

            I hope this provides you with what you need.



              Re: How to link ticket to KB article

              Thanks Neta. Turns out the Recurring option doesn't help since that does not support quarterly tasks. I'll just schedule the next task and add a note to reschedule in three months.


                Re: How to link ticket to KB article


                I can set a recurring task for every three months. You have to click on the "Monthly" and then you can choose "every X months"



                  Re: How to link ticket to KB article

                  Cool, thanks.

