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Global Search?

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    Global Search?


    I just added a note to a ticket about research that I did on web site content management.

    Within two days I will have forgotten where I put that note, whether on a ticket or history items or what.

    When I need to know a month from now what I thought about "Joomla", how do I search all tables and fields for that string? (Basically a full-text search.)


    Re: Global Search?

    Hi Mark,

    To perform a global search on tickets you can use the Ticket's Text search (in the second line on the search pane) which will search in the ticket's description, resolution and notes fields.

    In case you want to search in the History Notes as well, you should go to the History window and search from there. If you use the Filter option (click the Filter button in this window), you can search by partial words which appear anywhere in the text. To do this, search by the History Note Description and use the "Includes" search term. This way you can easily search for a keyword anywhere in the text.

    I hope this helps.



      Re: Global Search?

      It would be cool to have a "google" type search that searched all the data in the database and then returned a listing of tickets, accounts, charges, assets, contracts, etc that contained that text...

      Ahh... yet another feature for the list! :)


        Re: Global Search?


        Thanks for the tips. Re. the History search, that also includes the Description in tickets, right? Just not Resolution or Notes. I'm thinking that means I should use Description fields as much as possible (whether in tickets, appointments, history notes, etc.). That way I can search across all item types.

        Of course a Google-like full-database search would be sweet ;).



          Re: Global Search?


          The Ticket's Text Search does search in the Ticket' Description, Resolutions and Notes field (the Notes tab) at once. It doesn't search the Appointment description etc. though.


