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Labtech - CommitCRM Integration

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    Labtech - CommitCRM Integration

    Hey all,
    I thought we could have a new thread about how we are using the Labtech - CommitCRM Integration.

    I have the integration working and have successfully imported assests and clients, however when a client submits a ticket from the labtech client agent it does not pass to CommitCRM. Could others please confirm that this actually works for them. I have been emailing Labtech and they think it is a bug in the plug-in ??

    Also with your ticketing - what happens with the tickets that are created in Labtech - they pass to CommitCRM but do they also stay in Labtech or are they deleted. I've also asked Labtech about whats meant to happen- but they conveniently never answer this question in each email i've sent.

    Would be keen to hear how others are using the integration and if it is working for you, and also your thoughts on Labtech in General.


    Re: Labtech - CommitCRM Integration

    The LabTech agent can create tickets inCommitCRM. It works for me. Tickets are created in both places which hopefully will be changed because I don't want to have to keep clearing out the LabTech tickets. Feel free to contact me if you have more questions.


      Re: Labtech - CommitCRM Integration


      Interesting it was my understanding that the ticket would only be created in Commit, and that all work on the ticket had to be done inCommitCRM. If you close a ticket in Labtech does it close it in CommitCRM?

      The thing I am really curious about is if the CommitCRM RECID is being inserted into the Labtech ticket record in the external GUID field for the ticket. I just looked around in Labtech, but could not find the external GUID field in the control center ticket interface. Probably would have to look at the mysql tickets table to check.

      If the CommitCRM ticket RECID is in the Labtech Ticket record it makes it pretty simple to blow Labtech ticket updates into CommitCRM through the Email API. Getting the external ticket keys back into Labtech is the worse part since you need to do a ODBC read against the CommitCRM DB. The programming API returns the CommitCRM RECID, but I understood Labtech was not creating correspnding ticket in their DB, so I assumed they were creating the CommitCRM ticket and dropping the RECID.

      Ran into problems setting up the Labtech integration. After reading the notes and thinking it only created CommitCRM tickets I abandoned it. Now I am going to have to get the integration working. Hopefully Greg will give an checkbox option to turn on/off creating duplicate Labtech tickets.


      Vernon Southmayd
      Creative Computing


        Re: Labtech - CommitCRM Integration

        If you are running LabTech and CommitCRM on the same box on Windows 2008 Server, I can probably help. CommitCRM better work on a SOAP API because the integration is truly painful.


          Re: Labtech - CommitCRM Integration


          Thanks for the offer. I am going to run up a new VM, move CommitCRM and reinstall Labtech on the same server to take another run at this. I was using a trial version of CommitCRM on the Labtech server to test, but I really need to migrate CommitCRM off the server it is on right now anyways.

          The biggest hassle with the integration seems to be the need to run the CommitCRM plugin on all Labtech workstations. It makes sense that you would need to if each workstation is creating CommitCRM Tickets directly itself. This does not work well for remote Labtech Control Center that will not have direct file access to the CommitCRM databases, nor if I want to outsource access to Labtech to IT departments. I am assuming stations with direct access to the DLL files would not be able to create CommitCRM tickets with the current integration.

          As we discussed I think it would be better if Labtech were using a PSA connector service running on the server to do the integration. That way only the server would need the Advantage ODBC client and file level access toCommitCRM.

          A web API would make life easier. There are a ton of other aplications that could be integrated, application developer needs to deal with the ODBC reading interface versus writing standard SOAP web service code.

          Think anyone heard that? :-)

          Vernon Southmayd
          Creative Computing


            Re: Labtech - CommitCRM Integration

            ajgyomber - you have tickets working when submitted from the client agent - as in right click on the LT agent in the task tray then select "support ticket" ?? - these tickets are passing to CommitCRM -without touching them further?

            I've just loaded up a fresh server (W2k3) in VMWare with fresh trial copy of CommitCRM and fresh trial of Labtech (all on same server - as previously they were on seperate servers) and it still is not working - so I dont know what I am doing wrong??

            I also agree that having to have the CommitCRM plugin configured on each of the workstations is a pain!

            How are you guys finding Labtech anyway? I feel that navigating around it is a bit hard - but in general it has some great features.


              Re: Labtech - CommitCRM Integration

              Yes, LabTech agent's "Support Ticket" link does create CommitCRM tickets. There are lots of little settings to worry about in order to get it to work.

              I currently have 44 pages of alerts in LabTech so that drives me a little nuts and I'm only managing 39 devices in it. When click on rows while looking at any listing I hear a "ding" on my Vista Business 64-bit workstation. I can't seem to get the IE Proxy to work either which would be helpful for managing web-based systems without interrupting a user, like network printers, switches, routers, etc.

              Otherwise, I have been able to do things with it that I could never do easily prior to using LabTech. I just have to get the alerts thing under control and I think I'll be pretty happy. That being said, I still have lots of questions for them in regard to its operation. Feel free to contact me if you want to discuss in greater detail.


                Re: Labtech - CommitCRM Integration

                Hey Ajgyomber, finally got it working :) - needed to change some permissions in IIS (Which wasnt documented?)... anyway its now working...

                Next question, - how are you alerting your clients that you have received the ticket - If they email us - they receive an auto reply (from the email connector) - but if they use the Labtech Agent - they never receive any notification we have received the request (as CommitCRM only sends replys for new emailed tickets?). We could have Labtech send the response but if they were to reply it would create a new ticket - so this is no good.

                Any ideas?


                  Re: Labtech - CommitCRM Integration

                  It will send alerts from CommitCRM when it receives a ticket generated by an under user using the 'Support Ticket' part of the agent. I had the same problem except I just can't remember how I fixed it. Sorry!


                    Re: Labtech - CommitCRM Integration

                    Are you sure? Isnt the only way to get auto responses (in commit) to end users by having tickets created via email (i.e its the email connector that sends the auto response to the cend user?).

                    As the email connector is not used when labtech creates the ticket in CommitCRM it misses out?

                    Also when Labtech creates the ticket it doesnt assign the contact so how is a response sent ?

                    Or am i still missing something ? :)


                      Re: Labtech - CommitCRM Integration

                      I'm having the problem getting error message when saving changes in Labtech Config Intergration Page - waiting on LT Support.

                      Can anyone advise what permissions need to be changed in ISS as stated in reply from
                      Easy IT.

                      September 7th, 2009, 07:37 PM
                      Easy I.T.
                      Posts: 36
                      Hey Ajgyomber, finally got it working :) - needed to change some permissions in IIS (Which wasnt documented?)... anyway its now working...

                      Next question, - how are you alerting your clients that you have received the ticket - If they email us - they receive an auto reply (from the email connector) - but if they use the Labtech Agent - they never receive any notification we have received the request (as CommitCRM only sends replys for new emailed tickets?). We could have Labtech send the response but if they were to reply it would create a new ticket - so this is no good.

                      Any ideas?


                        Re: Labtech - CommitCRM Integration

                        What error message are you getting? Have you tried logging in as "admin"?


                          Re: Labtech - CommitCRM Integration

                          Error is in Labtech (logged on as Admin on the Server) in the Config Integration page, "Default Employee Account" and "Default Labour" are showing as Text Boxes with garbage rather than Drop down select Boxes.
                          When you click save get error Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Forms.Textbox' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox'

                          Which to me implies its displaying Text Boxes but it expects to have data from a Drop down Combo Box.

                          This is rather annoying when I see the problem documented on forums back in 2009 and the outcome is usually LT support spent a lot of time to resolve.
                          LT support for me have taken over a week tried several things and still no resolution.

                          So I just wondered if EASY IT had the same problem which got resolved with IIS permissions.


                            Re: Labtech - RangerMSP Integration

                            While unfortunately we cannot help much with IIS and the permission settings for LabTech, please check out the Alerts to Customers feature.

