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Export to excel by tickets and charges

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    Export to excel by tickets and charges


    Is there a way to export all details of a ticket including the itemized charges?
    So far i able to export the details of a ticket but unable to extend to the charges. If i use the charges tab to export then i wont be able to extend the export to include asset details and detail tickets.

    Using the reports tab i can use the inbuilt report but all using pdf format. I want it to be execl format which i can manipulate later.

    Exact field that i want to extract is ticket details including assets, other extra fields that was in the ticket windows, charges for that tickets including all the items that been charge and total.

    Any one got suggestions?


    Re: Export to excel by tickets and charges

    You can export the charge list to Excel and filter it by ticket, so it will export only charges which belong to a specific ticket. This can be done via the Charges window, as you mentioned.

    In case you want all the data to appear, including the ticket details, and asset details, you should indeed use a report. Perhaps you can copy-paste the data from the PDF report and use it externally this way. BTW, may can also consider using ODBC in order to pull this information and use it as you wish.


