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Include Asset in QB Invoice

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    Include Asset in QB Invoice

    Anyway to add the asset name to the QB invoice? Much like the "Incl. in Description" drop down option when creating invoices.

    If not, this I appreciate you adding this as a feature request. We have to include identifying information (other than the ticket #) for customers so we're doing this manually now even though we attach tickets to assets.

    Re: Include Asset in QB Invoice

    Hi JoshuaB,

    That's an interesting idea. The Asset is actually only linked to the ticket, so the information is not directly available from the ticket itself. Having the Asset name in the charge sounds helpful, and I logged this as a feature request. Thanks!

    Perhaps what you can do in the meantime is create the charge directly from the Asset window (via the More Action menu on the toolbar). This will automatically copy the Asset details into the charge description. This will not automatically link the charge to a specific ticket (since the asset can be linked to multiple tickets), but you can link it to the ticket manually from the charge window.


