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Hiding Completed Contracts

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    Hiding Completed Contracts


    Is there any way completed contracts can be hidden? With a new contract every month the number of contracts in the drop-down list in tickets is soon going to get unmanagable.



    Re: Hiding Completed Contracts

    Hi Nick,

    At the moment the list displays all contracts and there is no way to remove the completed ones from the list (note that in some cases you may wish to retroactively add charges to completed contracts, but I know most of the time this is not necessary). This is on our list and I hope we will be able to get to it soon. Thanks for bringing it up.



      Re: Hiding Completed Contracts

      Has there been any progress made on this feature request? I to am using the contract list and it is growing rapidly.



        Re: Hiding Completed Contracts

        +1 for a new option here - soon we'll have hundreds of recurring contracts (once all imported)


          Re: Hiding Completed Contracts

          Me too, if this is a poll. :)


            Re: Hiding Completed Contracts

            Hi Klannom,

            Thanks for the follow up.
            As mentioned, we currently don’t have the option (It is on our list though) to filter the contract types in the drop down menu… However, instead of using the “Down facing triangle” on the pull down menu, you can press the “magnifying glass” icon, and then filter by active contracts. Should prove to be easier to look at.

            Hope this helps…



              Re: Hiding Completed Contracts

              Quick update - Starting with RangerMSP version 5.4 this feature has been added.

              The Contract Selection list from various windows now lists only Active Contracts (Contracts with Status defined as Active), making the contract selection much easier.

              You no longer need to select the relevant Contract from a long list of old Contracts. This affects the Contract selection list in all windows, such as Charge, New Ticket, History Note, Reports, etc.

              When upgrading to RangerMSP 5.4, the Contract selection list will automatically start showing only Active Contract. It is still possible to find Contracts which are not active by clicking the magnifying glass.

              The selection list default behavior is managed from Tools > Options > Charges & Contracts > Hide inactive Contracts from Contract selections fields.

              >> Read more about version 5.4.

              The RangerMSP Team.


                Re: Hiding Completed Contracts

                Great, thank you! =) Was just overwhelmed by this again recently (end of month). I read you have our QB fix for print/email options. Can't wait - when will 5.4 be out of beta? :)


                  Re: Hiding Completed Contracts

                  I received an official email from CommitCRM about version 5.4 and have already upgraded.

