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Using Quickbooks sales receipts vs invoices.

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    Using Quickbooks sales receipts vs invoices.

    I have a question regarding the invoicing aspect of CRM with Quickbooks. For the longest time my business has been using invoicing as a primary way to bill customers, although with the extra time to process the invoice, the cost of the stamp, the gas/mileage to drive to the post office, I have found this to be not beneficial. At least not for the residential customers who with the economic downturn find excuses not to pay.

    So with that, I am focusing on collecting payment on site once work is completed. What I would like to accomplish with CRM is to be able to have two ticket related documents print out that are identical. One being the custoemrs receipts, the other being my copy for filing. I'd like to be able to design my own document where the charges are listed from having quoted the customer in advance, then perform the work and get paid while there. I would note on the customer copy and my copy the amount they paid, the form of payment, (check #, etc) and then leave to return to the office. Then when I get back I would like to be able to pull up the ticket number I completed and close it listing it as already paid without generating a QB invoice.

    Is this possible?


    Re: Using Quickbooks sales receipts vs invoices.

    Hi Bradley,

    Yes, I believe that this is possible with RangerMSP, though RangerMSP is not an accounting system. It will require some extra steps on your side to achieve this.

    There are various ways to implement this, and you should check which works the best for you. The way I can think of is as follows:

    1) While the tech is on-site, they can use the Web Interface to enter the charges for the work they perform.

    2) Then print a Technician Service Form Including Charges to list the charges with their prices. You can use the predefined service forms or customize them for your own needs.

    3) Have the customer sign this form and collect payment.

    4) If you know the payment method and details, you can also log it into the Ticket's Notes field, save it and have it printed together with the other details (step #2 above).

    I believe there may also be other ways to do this, you just need to find the way which works best for you.

    I hope this helps. Feel free to contact us for further information.



      Re: Using Quickbooks sales receipts vs invoices.


      Thanks for writing back and answering my question. I do realize that CommitCRM isn't an accounting program, although with it's really nice integration with Quickbooks I find that very helpful for the invoicing aspects when that is used. Especially with businesses.

      However just as a question or possible feature request (or maybe I'm unaware of how to do this already), would be that when I or a tech returns back to close out the ticket that there is an option to indicate the customer paid on site upon completion of work. Then take that, and the pertinent ticket information and pass that onto Quickbooks for Quickbooks to file as a sales receipt.

      Currently it seems like the most efficient way would be to close out the ticket and then manually open up and re-enter in that same info Quickbooks with Quickbooks generating it's own sales receipt and applying the revenue as a sales receipt.

      I'm just putting thoughts out there for everyone to review since I am always looking for any thing that could always help fellow techs that may be in the same situation. :)



        Re: Using Quickbooks sales receipts vs invoices.

        Hi Bradley,

        Allowing to create Sales Receipts in QuickBooks is an interesting idea. I imagine this may require transferring the payment method as part of the charge, which is (again) a bit out of scope of RangerMSP, but perhaps it's not that difficult to implement. In any case, I logged this as a feature request and added your comments. Thanks for your suggestion!



          Re: Using Quickbooks sales receipts vs invoices.

          I don't understand why you care whether it is logged as an invoice or a sales receipt inQB. In fact, it sounds like the "invoice" would be the correct method...

          What we do to handle this is print out two work orders (just a slightly modified service ticket) and fill the charges out on it @ the customer's location. Then we come back and create the QB invoice... and record the payment.


            Re: Using Quickbooks sales receipts vs invoices.

            Actually the reason I mention that is I do have a background in accounting and have learned the sales receipt avenue is less time consuming and less steps inside of QB. While I could do a work order, fill the form out, bring back the ticket to file and the payment the customer game, there is the matter of creating the invoice and then going to the receive payments option and such. The same of which can be done for sales reciepts, come back, enter in the sales receipt info, and be done. Basically this was to satisfy my own curious knowledge since invoicing is integrated with CommitCRM and QB.


              Re: Using Quickbooks sales receipts vs invoices.

              Has this question/request been implemented?


                Re: Using Quickbooks sales receipts vs invoices.


                Thanks for posting this inquiry.
                The feature mentioned in this post is still pending development.
                We do not have any additional information regarding the expected release of this feature, since there are higher priority features that are being worked on for the coming release.

                Let us know if you have anymore questions.


