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MailMerge to Doc template then PDF+Add PDF Attachment?

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    MailMerge to Doc template then PDF+Add PDF Attachment?

    Hi Fellow CommitCRM Users and CommitCRM Tech Support Team!

    For marketing, we want to be able to:
    1. Navigate to an Account and create a marketing cover letter using a previously configured Word template, doing data field merge in the normal way. (This works fine.)
    2. Add our (scanned?) sigs to the doc created and then 'print' the doc to PDF.
    3. Add another 2 or 3 pages of PDF docs to the PDF created in steps #1 and #2 above; actual PDF docs to be attached will depend on certain characteristics of each Account.
    4. Email this PDF doc, with the 2 or 3 additional PDF docs attached/merged.
    We can't see any easy way to do this ALL inCommitCRM. Are we missing something?

    Activity templates will help us with setting up reminders etc., but don't solve the underlying issue of how to create the PDF from Word doc and how to automate addition/merging in of the additional PDF docs.

    And we saw in the Setup Guide a ref to "Documents batch email" (see it here under 2nd col header from left: here ) but are unable to find it in CommitCRM - though we can, from the Docs window, create an email with multiple docs attached, if they are preselected from Docs list. Perhaps this is what that batch comment refers to?

    At this point, it now looks to us like we may have to select the Accounts in CommitCRM that we want to market to, then export their data, then do a Word batch mail-merge - to Word doc with sig block in already - with output set to 'print' to PDF, then manually add/merge the required PDF docs to each now-PDF'd marketing letter manually, then drag into CommitCRM on each Accounts doc tab, then email.

    Phew, that is a lot of steps!

    Any 'words from the wise' on a better way to do this, hopefully inside CommitCRM - or is there some 3rd party software that would handle this well for us?



    Re: MailMerge to Doc template then PDF+Add PDF Attachment?

    RangerMSP offers an option of sending emails to a group of selected accounts, however, this does not include merging data in the emails. As it works today, filter the group of customers in the account list, and use the "Send Group E-Mail" feature, which lets you send a fixed text (no data-merge options) for all users, and uses text / HTML formatted email.

    This feauture can be activated from Accounts window > Accounts menu > Send Group E-Mail. This feature sends the email to the list of accounts that is displayed in the accounts window. If you filter this list it will only send emails to the filtered list.

    Since you do wish to merge account information and also send it in PDF format, what you can do is (as you suggested) - export the account list with the email addresses to an external file (such as Excel, Text, etc.) and send the emails using an external tool or script. This way you can import the information into word templates directly from the Excel file, and prepare all the templates at once. You can read more about exporting data from RangerMSP here.

    Thanks for your interesting input on the way you wish to use this feature from within RangerMSP. I have logged this into our system to be further evaluated so we can check our options of adding more of these capabilities in the system itself. I know that enhancing email campaigns is something which is on our radar. Thanks!



      Re: MailMerge to Doc template then PDF+Add PDF Attachment?

      How is this "Enhanced email campaigns" going? I'm really looking forward to it.

      Daniel Mundy


        Re: MailMerge to Doc template then PDF+Add PDF Attachment?


        We haven't made much progress in this direction as we're busy implementing much more popular requests, and using the Export option you can use many dedicated solutions for email campaigns. In any case, this request is logged and we may get to it in a future release. Thank you for following up on this.


