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Moving a contact

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    Moving a contact

    I wondered if there was a way you could move a contact from one account to another. When I double click the contact there is no way of changing the account.

    I suppose its a delete and recreated, but wondered if CommitCRM had a way thats not obvious.



    Re: Moving a contact

    Hi Scott,

    There is no way to transfer contacts between accounts, and I actually believe this is done on purpose - once a contact is registered under a specific account, it may have history attached to it, and you wouldn't want this history to transfer to a difference customer. for example, you can have tickets, appointments, and other entities linked to this specific contact, thus linked to the main account - transferring the contact can be confusing in this case.

    So, the bottom line - if you have a person who transferred to a different company, you should simply create the same contact again under the other account.

    I hope this makes sense :-)



      Re: Moving a contact

      I had gathered that, but really just hoped that you could move contact and leave behind a copy of the contact behind for audit purposes.

      Not a real problem, just a nice to have.




        Re: Moving a contact

        I too discovered this to be a bit of a pain today. My data import cause many Employees of my accounts to appear independently. There was no way from me to link the Employee listed as it's own account in CommitCRM to an acutal Account. It is a little frustrating. Thanks.


          Re: Moving a contact

          Hi ebuhrendorf,

          I might suggest exporting each account's contact list to a separate csv, and importing them to their corresponding account.

          Importing Contact:
          Within RangerMSP, go to the Accounts Page > Select the account > Click the Contacts tab > Right-click the contact list > Choose Import Secondary Contact.

          I hope this helps...



            Re: Moving a contact

            Thanks for the reply Reno. I'm glad that it's possible using the CSV export/import. The process is too time consuming for me however. I'll survive :)

