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Warranty Tracking

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    Warranty Tracking

    I want to be able to
    1: Create a ticket for any account I have
    2: Apply a generic contract that alerts any tech who opens the above ticket that the contract has expired if 30 days from close of ticket

    Explanation of what I want to achieve:
    I have a 30 day limited warranty for computer repairs that I want to apply to every "Computer Repair Ticket" and be notified if we attempt to open that ticket to add another charge if 30 days has passed.


    Re: Warranty Tracking


    I would try to recommend the following, though I'm not sure how it'll work for you -

    After a repairing a customer PC you should add the relevant charge records and "Complete" the ticket.

    In case the customer calls to report an issue again (i.e. the same issue) you should not have you techs add charges to the same ticket - as this ticket is closed - but rather open a new ticket for the customer.

    Each customer equipment should be tracked using an Asset record in RangerMSP. So, each time a customer brings an equipment for repair you should add an Asset record (in case it's not already there).

    Each Asset record has a Warranty Expiration date field.

    Whenever you open a new Ticket you can attach it to a specific Asset record (this way you can always review the Asset service history).

    When opening a new ticket and selecting an Asset the system automatically alerts you in case the Asset Warranty data has expired!

    How it all comes together -
    1. A customer brings a PC for repair - you open an Asset record for it as well as a service Ticket.
    2. You fix the PC, add the relevant charges and Complete (close) the ticket.
    3. You open the PC' Asset record and update its Warranty Expiration date to expire in 30 days.
    4. In case the customer reports a problem regarding the same PC you open a new service ticket and link it to this Asset.
    5. In case the 30 days repair warranty expires you'll get a warning message when opening the ticket, otherwise, you simply have a new service ticket to handle.

    The above may require some changes in your current work flow and I'm not sure how it will work for you but I recommend that you give it a try, maybe with some additional adjustments it will work exactly as you need it to.


