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Fraction of cents discrepancies

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    Fraction of cents discrepancies

    Is anyone else seeing occasional discrepancies with fractions of cents on forms?

    As an example I had a tech out in the field that added a $225 labor charge to a ticket. The account has a 5.1% sales tax. He printed the Technician Service Form w/ Charges which showed as below.
    $225.00 Labor
    $11.47 Tax
    $236.47 Total
    The customer signed the paperwork which he brought back and gave a check in the amount of $236.47 like the form showed.

    When I created the Quickbooks invoice from this ticket I saw a total of $236.48 in QB. This makes sense to me as 225 x 1.051 = 236.475 which rounds up to $236.48.

    Now here is where this gets interesting. I went back into CommitCRM and performed print/preview the same ticket and I now see the total as $236.48, not the $236.47 that was originally printed by the technician in the field. Why would the total or way that CommitCRM calculated the tax or rounding change between when the tech printed the form and when I did?


    Re: Fraction of cents discrepancies

    Hi Ed,

    Thank you for reporting on this behavior. I have checked this and I believe that this may be related to rounding differences when calculating the taxes in the built-in web interface reports, vs. the system reports (e.g. Technician Service Form Including Taxes).

    I suspect that when your technician printed the report while out in the field, he used the built-in Web Interface report (available via the "Print Preview" pull-down menu). This prints slightly different reports than when using the "Print to PDF" option, which prints the exact same report as the application. In rare situation, there may be slight differences between the results, since when calculating the taxes in the application reports, it performs the calculations using the most accurate numbers (not rounded), where the Web Interfaces uses rounded values. This may create the small difference in the results.

    In any case, please note that when generating Invoices in QuickBooks from RangerMSP, the taxes values and calculations are always taken from QuickBooks. You can use the RangerMSP results for reference, however the results in QuickBooks is what you should use for book-keeping.

    On a side note, though this difference can happen only when specific amounts are involved, we plan on changing the way we sum the amounts so it will be aligned with QuickBooks in both cases.



      Re: Fraction of cents discrepancies

      It would be very helpful if CommitCRM would calculate things the same way whether we are generating a report within CommitCRM or through the web interface. I understand that we should be using Quickbooks for the book-keeping side and this is what we do. The problem is that the tech may come back with a check or process a credit card payment in the field based off of a slightly different amount. This just adds more work on the quickbooks side to get the values to match up.



        Re: Fraction of cents discrepancies

        Hi Edward,

        I agree the behavior should be the same and I've logged this for the development team, so they'll have a look at it as soon as possible.

        Please note that this only happens in some of the cases where the rounding rules in RangerMSP and QuickBooks have different calculation results, and that you may use the Technician Service Form from the web interface as well which should produce the same results as the application.

        Thank you for your feedback.



          Re: Fraction of cents discrepancies

          I am testing the 5.5 version and the web interface charges still rounds down. It calculated the 6.5% tax of $139 to be $9.04 on the tax line, but the total was 148.03.

          Why did it subtract a penny from the calculation it already did?


            Re: Fraction of cents discrepancies

            It's either a display issue (where the value is rounded at the display level of the total amount), or a 0.01 rounding issue that occurs during the calculation itself. I guess we'll have to look at it again.



              Re: Fraction of cents discrepancies

              I see this issue at least once a week, and we never use the web interface (well, rarely). I've just gotten in the habit of giving a .01 discount from the "receive payments" screen in QB.

              Not the best though, and if this could be fixed, it would be awesome! :)


                Re: Fraction of cents discrepancies

                We make frequent deposits to the make with an extra penny or two along with customers checks to cover the discrepancy. I don't like tweaking the books with adjustments and write-offs :-)

