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PDF Document Attachments

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    PDF Document Attachments

    I store a great deal of files in PDF format for a variety of reasons. I attempted to attach an invoice in PDF format to a customer account, but when viewed it showed nothing but Gobbledygook text.

    I presume from that I can assume that PDF documents are not supported for use as attachments in CommitCRM.



    Re: PDF Document Attachments

    We have many PDFs attached to tickets, accounts, assets etc. but aren't experiencing the trouble you are having. I know that this isn't a solution but it might help you find one.


      Re: PDF Document Attachments


      Thank you for your last post.
      The ability to store PDF documents (and many more formats) is built in to the RangerMSP system, and therefore, is a supported action.
      Can you tell me how the Gobbledygook text presents itself?
      Can you tell me if it presented this way on multiple computers?
      Are you opening on a wireless device?
      What operating system are you using on the effected systems?
      Did RangerMSP originally generate the PDF's we're discussing?
      Which program is being used to view the PDF's?

      Also, can you email me a sample of the PDF the problematic PDF file?
      My address is Support @

      Reno Breen
      RangerMSP Support

