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Web interface customization

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    Web interface customization

    is it possible to cutomize the page of the web interface, because i want to remove the edit on tickets tabs. thanks

    Re: Web interface customization


    Thanks for that last post.
    I need to understand the extent of the change here, in order to know if it's possible.
    Do you want to remove only the ticket editing option, or do you want to remove the add option, too?
    Do you want to set your customers to only be able to view existing data from the web interface?

    I'll be waiting to hear from you.

    Reno Breen
    RangerMSP Support


      Re: Web interface customization

      yes i want my customer to view only to their tickets and assets when they log to the web interface, and also i want all employees to do the editing and adding tickets or assets to the web interface. Is that possible?


        Re: Web interface customization


        Before anything else just want to thank you for helping me out to this project of mine. I now love this forum. God Bless! You ROCK man!


          Re: Web interface customization

          Lol, so what was the answer?! :)


            Re: Web interface customization


            I'd like to thank you for your feedback.
            As far as I know, customers can add new tickets and edit some of the ticket fields. This is defined in the web interface core directives, and cannot be altered easily. They can also view other data (which is optional, you can remove it from Tools > Options > Web Interface), such as assets, contracts, charges and more. Those are not modifiable, but can be only viewed.

            Employees on the other hand can always add and update any data which is available for them according to their privileges (same as in the client application).

            I'm not sure there is a trivial way to eliminate the ability to add and edit tickets via the customers portal, however, I suggest that you contact us directly at Support @ and we will check the details with you to see if we can help in any way.

            Reno Breen


              Re: Web interface customization


              I just figure it out how to disable the edit and add in the customer web interface.
              hope that this post can help others.

              i just delete the tktedit12509 in the Commit\WebInterface\templates folder.


                Re: Web interface customization

                hi again,

                thanks again for your help i almost done with this project. i have a question. how to proper embed the login page on our website? can u gave me an example of embedding the script on the said tutorial in web interface


                  Re: Web interface customization


                  Thank you for posting this question.

                  There are 2 options for embedding the web interface login page into your website.

                  Option 1 sets a link that loads the RangerMSP web interface default login page.

                  Option 2 allows you to use your own customized login page.

                  Please review this manual page which precisely describes these options.

                  Let me know if this helps.

                  Reno Breen

