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Report Speed

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    Report Speed

    Is there any way to speed up the generation of reports?

    Some of these reports take a minute or so to run. It seems like in the days of quad cores, GB's of ram, and gigabit networks, this stuff should be pretty foundational. After all, we are only talking about sub 10,000 records...

    I'm specifically trying to run employee charges summary against multiple months.


    Re: Report Speed

    Hi Luke,

    This report is somewhat complex but usually it works in a timely manner. I know that in case you have a large amount of data, this may result in a longer report generation time. In any case, I will pass your input to the dev team to have a deeper look into this, and similar, reports, and we will see if there is any way to improve performance for this when running with large amounts of data, maybe a better optimized SQL query etc. Thanks for letting us know about this behavior.


