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More flexable work hours

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    More flexable work hours

    We have some tech's who are PT. Some are still in school, take professional development classes, etc. When looking at the work hours, it only gives a straignt block of time like 9-5. Is there a way to break it up during a day? Can i get something like John is available from 8a-12p and 4p-6p.

    Some of staff have standing appointments and we need to block off various times during a work day.

    Re: More flexable work hours


    Thanks for that last post.

    I suggest using reccuring appointments that symbolize the unavailable time on your employee's calendar. This way when you're dispatching, you'll be able to work around those appointments. You can even give "unavailable appointments" a different color so that it will be easy to see that those are unavailable times.

    For more discussion on this topic, please click here

    Hope this helps.

    Reno Breen

