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Quickbooks 2010

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    Quickbooks 2010

    Just a random question as we are looking to go live with Quickbooks 2010 soon here in office. Is anyone out there currently using 2010 andCommitCRM? And if so is there any know issues you are seeing or are things working good for you?

    Thanks for any input!

    Eric Daniels

    Re: Quickbooks 2010

    Hi Eric,

    Thanks for posting this.

    We know of some customers who have gone ahead and tried QuickBooks 2010, and it seems to work well.
    In any case, we plan on officially supporting this edition soon after we perform some tests in our labs for it.

    We will be happy to hear any further feedback on this from anyone else who has already tried this.

    Reno Breen


      Re: Quickbooks 2010

      Currently i am using quickbooks enterprise solutions 10.0
      Is it sood or any updates required?if required means When was QuickBooks for Mac 2010 released?


        Re: Quickbooks 2010


        Thanks for sending in these questions. I’ve copied them for easy reference, and attached relevant answers below. Please review.

        Currently i am using quickbooks enterprise solutions 10.0
        Is it sood or any updates required?
        • Currently we do not officially support for QuickBooks 2010 (though we will). That being said, many of our users have already installed it and have been using it successfully. I believe that it should work for you just fine, even if we do not officially support it yet.

        When was QuickBooks for Mac 2010 released?
        • As to the QuickBooks Mac version, we wouldn't have any information regarding Intuit products; we suggest contacting Intuit support and inquiring about this.

        Let us know how it goes.



          Re: Quickbooks 2010

          What's the status of QB2010 support? it's been out for a couple of months now... thanks!



            Re: Quickbooks 2010

            Hi Ray,

            Thanks for posting this.
            Our QA team has completed testing of QuickBooks 2010 US Version, and we've just gone live with support for that version.

            The rest of the QuickBooks localization support should be available soon.

            Let us know if you have anymore questions.


