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Unforgiving Tasks Done Button

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    Re: Unforgiving Tasks Done Button

    + 1. Perhaps add an option under Options to auto-create a "locked" Task Complete history note when the task is marked complete. This locked history note would include the task verbiage and cannot be changed or deleted without the appropriate permissions. As a related question, is there an audit log or a verbose history mode that allows administrators to see who created tasks, when they are created, what changes are made to tasks, when they are completed etc.

    I would like to be able to see all timestamped changes made to our system, being able to do so would mitigate somewhat the impact of these disappearing tasks.


      Re: Unforgiving Tasks Done Button

      Thanks for your suggestions. Interesting. In regards to your question - Each Task, Appointment and actually any other type of record in the system (Accounts, Tickets, Assets, Sales Opportunities, History Notes, etc.) have the following audit information: Created by user, creation date/time, updated by user, updated date/time. For "main" entities like, Accounts and Tickets, the information is found under the 'Notes' tab, for other 'smaller' entities, like Tasks, History Notes, etc. the information is displayed within the window itself - for example, with Task just above the buttons displayed at the bottom.

      On a side note I would add that for Tickets there's some additional automatic audit option where major changes for the Ticket record are logged under the Ticket History (noted as 'Audit' information).



        Re: Unforgiving Tasks Done Button

        +1 Users can still irreversibly delete a task.


          Re: Unforgiving Tasks Done Button

          +2 +1 for tasks, and +1 for the calendar window. Ok and Done are simply in the wrong place and should be switched. IMHO :)


            Re: Unforgiving Tasks Done Button

            +1 for the tasks problem. It really needs to be archived, not deleted.
            Please have this so done tasks are simple marked as done.


              Re: Unforgiving Tasks Done Button

              +10... we have pretty much stopped using tasks becuase of the "done" tasks button problem (that and the fact that can't add history notes directly, they are missing the status and sub-status fields and the due date can't be set to null)...



                Re: Unforgiving Tasks Done Button

                I am doing a trial of CommitCRM and so far it has worked really well, but I spent 15 minutes trying to figure out where my task went and how to undo my accidental DONE click. It makes it difficult to implement a system when it is unforgiving to human error.


                  Re: Unforgiving Tasks Done Button

                  Thank you for your feedback.


                    Re: Unforgiving Tasks Done Button

                    Just an FYI to help get some functionality out of the Task feature (until it is completed :))
                    An important feature from my previous CRM was the ablity to change a task to an appointment. I use tasks for ad-hock ideas that can spark at any time, and a place to drop items in the heat of the daily battle to schedule or create a ticket later.

                    Synching tasks with Outlook, I discovered I can have my way with my tasks and drag the them to the Outlook calendar. Once CommitCRM syncs, all I have to do is link the new appointment to a contact, then create my ticket off of that. Its a real timesaver, however I would prefer that standard functionality were built into CommitCRM tasks.

                    I also discovered I can drag an emal from Outlook to the Outlook calendar and use the same process to link to a contact and create a ticket from the email. If I drag an email into Commit, the best I can hope is to have it show up in the Docs section. Maybe here offer a choice "Do you want to link your item to Document, Calendar or Task?, also helpful if implemented, with the option to choose one as a default selection.

                    Right clicking on calendar or tasks in Outlook I can open a seperate window which is really handy. It would be nice if CommitCRM could undock windows for a richer user experience.


                      Re: Unforgiving Tasks Done Button

                      I forgot to mention, another area where Outlook bridges the gap is the ability to right click on a boat load of tasks and change the date. With Commit, its double-click -right click-date click-click-click one at a time drudgery. Yea Outlook. Now if I could only figure out how to have Outlook close the 1,272 open tickets in the database.......... Really need a utility for that but I think there are dozens of requests over the years for this funtion....Hopefully it is or will be in the new version...


                        Re: Unforgiving Tasks Done Button

                        I feel you pain on the open tickets. Look at Autoit. That's what I used for that. You have to be VERY careful though. Create a backup before testing.


                          Re: Unforgiving Tasks Done Button

                          I just spent ten minutes looking for the task I accidently marked as Done before finding this article and staring at it in open-mouthed disbelief that any DATABASE driven application would delete a record ... I'm gobsmacked ...


                            Re: Unforgiving Tasks Done Button

                            Thank you for posting. This was probably discussed but - Done Tasks are indeed deleted, however, depending on your settings you can have them logged as History Notes automatically when the Task is done. Please visit Tools > Options > Calendar tab and under the Miscellaneous box look for the 'On done' section and verify that the system opens a new history note automatically when the task is done.

                            Hope this helps.


                              Re: Unforgiving Tasks Done Button

                              The Ticket "Done button of doom" which deletes tickets appears to have been an issue since 2009. Can you project when it might be fixed, without having to do a history work-around, as we just had another new user of the feature just delete a slew of tickets?


                                Re: Unforgiving Tasks Done Button

                                Why not just change the name of the button to DELETE ? For now, anyhow.

