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Account Contacts in Tickets View

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    Account Contacts in Tickets View


    We have several clients whom have several locations, many of which have alot of tickets open at once. It would be VERY helpful if there was some way that I could have the Account contact show up in a column right next to the Account column in the tickets view as to find a specific ticket (ex, we are upgrading internet at 20 locations) we have to click through each one to find it.


    Austin Speer
    Onward Incorporated

    Re: Account Contacts in Tickets View

    Hi Austin,

    Thanks for posting this great feedback.
    We have an open feature request to enable our users to customize the list view to choose the fields displayed there.
    The request you've made falls under this topic, so i've added your vote to it, as well as your comments.

    For now, we suggest adding the contact name as the first word in the description field, so that it'll show up in the list, right next to the account name.

    Another option is filtering the tickets list by the secondary contact - to do this, make sure to choose the "Contact" as the search criteria and use the magnifying glass to find the contact itself.

    Let us know if this helps.

    Reno Breen


      Re: Account Contacts in Tickets View

      I second the request. It would be wonderful to be able to customize which columns appear in the accounts window for users who like to view information differently. For example, we’d like to display contact, company, type, status, phone, and a couple custom fields instead of the default view, change the order in which they display, etc.

      Thanks for maintaining a great product!


        Re: Account Contacts in Tickets View

        ** RangerMSP Team Update**

        Starting with RangerMSP version 5.3, the Contact field has been added as a column in the Ticket list, as requested.

        The RangerMSP Team


        Thanks for the great comments regarding RangerMSP.
        We've added them to the feature request file, as well as your vote.
        For now, we'd just like to point out that you can re-order the lists shown in RangerMSP, by dragging the column header to the spot you want to see it at in the list.

        Hope this helps.

        Reno Breen

