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Skype integration

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    Skype integration

    Just a thought, I would find Skype integration very handy. To be able to double click a clients phone number in Accounts and have skype call or a button beside the field.

    Mull it over guys.

    By the way I am very happy with the software and wish I had found it years ago.

    Craig Griffin

    Re: Skype integration

    This will be a great feature... i'm also very intrested.



      Re: Skype integration

      Hi Guys,

      Thanks for posting this, and sorry it took some time. We have researched a way to dial phone numbers & Skype accounts directly from RangerMSP to your Skype client.

      In order to achieve the desired results, please add an Online Service with the following parameters in order to have the skype dialing option. Online services can be added from Settings menu > Online Services > New.

      Service parameters:
      Datasource (For): Accounts
      Name: Dial Skype Phone1
      Base URL: callto://

      This method will create an online service in the accounts screen toolbar, which dials the phone1 number through skype. If you want to dial the Phone2 number, we suggest creating another service called Dial Skype Phone2, Identical to the first service, and just change the parameter to <CMTLBLDATA_FLDCRDPHONE2>.

      Please note that using this method, you can dial Skype Usernames & Telephone numbers; however, when storing phone numbers in RangerMSP to be dialed through Skype, please add 00 right before the country code, instead of using +.

      Hope this helps.
      Reno Breen

