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New Online Message

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    New Online Message

    I just have to ask...

    Occasionally a blue hyperlink will appear on the right side of the status bar in CommitCRM that says New Online Message. Clicking this link appears to do nothing except cause the link to disappear from the status bar. This then stays gone for a random amount of time (days maybe weeks) then reappears with the same behavior.

    Clearly this isn't a problem... but it is a curiosity. What is this message supposed to mean/be used for? Inquiring minds want to know :)

    Justin Swall

    Re: New Online Message

    Hi Justin,

    Thanks for posting this.
    The online messages in RangerMSP are a sort of "tooltips" that we update, and are automatically displayed in RangerMSP, so that our customers can stay up to date with our developments.

    If you can't see the Online messages, we suggest making sure that the View menu > Show Online Messages Pane option is enabled, and then the online messages bar should be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

    Let us know if this helps.

    Best regards,
    Reno Breen


      Re: New Online Message

      I do have those messages turned on across the bottom of the screen. The below those messages, and to the right is this blue hyperlink I'm referring to. I assume that's just there for people who don't have the messages turned on at the bottom?


        Re: New Online Message

        Oh, I see that too... funny I never noticed. It just says "New Online Message" and then when you click on it - it just disappears...


          Re: New Online Message

          Hi Justin,

          The blue link at the bottom should only indicate the presence of a new online message, and can be ignored. The message bar at the bottom (if enabled), displays online update messages from the RangerMSP Team, and are only displayed when convenient to the user.

          Reno Breen

