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Next Release...

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    Re: Next Release...

    I agree that CommitCRM may not be everything we want (what ever is) but for what it does, what you get, and how much it costs, its the best we have seen. There is always room for improvement, but we're happy at the moment. Believe it or not, our two biggest complaints is not being able to remove the powered by CommitCRM advertising on the bottom of all we print out., and the "lite" web interface. We have multiple locations, so we use the web interface 85% of the time. Wish it did more.


      Re: Next Release...

      nattivillin - Why not use a terminal server to access all features of CommitCRM at your other locations? That is what we do when we are working remotely. Actually, we do that from the field as well with mobile broadband cards.

      I have to say that we have been VERY pleased withCommitCRM. Of course there is room for improvement and new features, but we haven't found anything that we have not been able to work around.

      FYI - Edit the report and hide the footer ... that will get rid of the advertisement.



        Re: Next Release...

        "our two biggest complaints is not being able to remove the powered by CommitCRM advertising on the bottom of all we print out"

        I haven't tried it lately, but I think CommitCRM will help you remove this if you ask


          Re: Next Release...

          I have found the CommitCRM team more thorough, helpful and responsive than any other software vendor I have worked with.


            Re: Next Release...

            CommitCRM Team - Any update on when then next release is going to happen? Surely you guys have a schedule and or plan that you can release?

            I think we have been more then resonable with our requests for knowing what the future holds with the software?

            Not knowing a schedule or what is even going to be included makes it very hard for us. AS stated by others - we run our businesses with this program and rely on it day to day. The are certain features that we all require - some may not be included at the moment - some maybe on the plans for future releases - but at the moment we know NOTHING - with this lack of communication and sharing what lays ahead I will need to start looking at alternatives to achieve what I require in my business. If you were able to let us know what is planned for future releases and an approx release schedule than this will help us a great deal and no looking elsewhere would be required.

            So I ask again to please consider sharing your update plans and schedule.



              Re: Next Release...

              Thanks for this Jeremy,

              We currently plan to release the early Beta of RangerMSP 5.3 at the end of this month. It's a challenging due date though...
              More detailed information will be provided near the release.

              To prevent confusion -
              New customers purchasing RangerMSP 5.2 now will be entitled to a Free upgrade to RangerMSP 5.3 once it is officially released.



                Re: Next Release...

                CommitCRM does not work with terminal server right? I know 1 user can use it, but to have everyone using it?

                If it did, that would be a lot of additional server terminal licenses for a product (commit) we already paid for to do just that.

                I don't mind it on the reports as much as i do the web interface. They removed the powered by CommitCRM is some places, but not all.

                I agree - I have found the CommitCRM team more thorough, helpful and responsive than any other software vendor I have worked with.

                I second that 3 times over. They may not have the answer you want, but they do have one...haha And they dont spend forever getting back to you. Even over a weekend!


                  Re: Next Release...


                  Thank you for your comments :-)

                  Besides, RangerMSP works perfectly under Terminal Services. To enable this you need to be using RangerMSP with SQL Database.



                    Re: Next Release...

                    I can't help but wince when ever I see attacks on the CommitCRM team. I have yet to make a decision on a product but continually come back toCommitCRM. The price is the best and the support clearly is amazing.

                    My biggest hang up, and I've mentioned this in other posts is the Asset tracking. Hardware, Software, and Other are just too broad.
                    I wish the software tracked: Routers, Modems, Workstations, Servers, Software, Printers/Fax/Scanners and had relevent fields for each Asset type you were recording.
                    Additionally, I track Vendors FOR my clients and associated Account numbers and username and passwords for their Vendors.

                    I'm nearly ready to CommitCRM to CommitCRM but am hoping for some committment to more robust Asset tracking.



                      Re: Next Release...

                      Thank you ebuhrendorf for your kind words and we hope to serve you as a customer :-)

                      We take users feedback very seriously. In cases where we constantly receive similar requests from many users we set a higher priority to these requests.

                      Your suggestions and ideas have all been logged into our system (most have been there already!) and we will probably get to implement some/all of it in a future release. Generally speaking, we DO plan to enhance the Assets module in the future. At this stage and in addition to using the predefined data fields, you'll need to customize the system and add your desired data fields and have them displayed in new tabs you create... however, all tabs will be displayed to all Asset types with the current release, which is not perfect, however, it still provides a way to track your Asset specific info.

                      Thanks again.



                        Re: Next Release...

                        A more robust professional feature rich web interface is the major need for me now especially since i use multiple contractors who aren't permanent staff and don't work in my office. Regardless though even if they were permanent staff in this day and age remote working is major so a web interface that provides the most part of all the functionality of the LAN client would be brilliant.

                        Heres my other major gripe: the remote desktop limitation. Currently the CommitCRM client will not run on a terminal server unless you move to the SQL version. I can live with this. what annoys me hugely is that i can't even remote desktop into my own work PC and load up the CommitCRM client without getting the "if you want to use CommitCRM on a TS..." message and the client not loading. The sad thing about this is that if i leave CommitCRM logged in and running on my work PC and remote desktop in I can use it. So theres no technical reason whatsoever for the message, it seems to be purely a grab at making some more money from the SQL version. Fixing this arbitrary and inconsistent limitation with running the program on a workstation from a remote desktop session would be hugely appreciated. Or just make the web version heaps better.

                        My $.02.



                          Re: Next Release...

                          I need someone to explain to me the advantage of "CommitCRM web interface" over a service like "LogMeIn"


                            Re: Next Release...

                            if you had multiple techs wouldnt they all need their own PC on your LAN each running CommitCRM to use LogMeIn? Last time i looked (a long time ago admittedly) you couldnt use LogMeIn to connect to multiple sessions on one PC (like a terminal server). I have contractors who dont even work in my office.


                              Re: Next Release...


                              CommitCRM support said (on another post) that there is a way to make the CommitCRM client work on a local workstation via RDP. You have to email them for details, which I never did because I ended up purchasing the SQL version for better API support and speed - it does speed up reports and loading info, filtering, etc....



                                Re: Next Release...


                                I think CommitCRM web interface and logme in are used for different purposes.
                                CommitCRM web interface is like OWA where you still have outlook on your PC which helps you to do the ticket and everything as if you are on the PC where CommitCRM client is installed..
                                Log me in helps you remotely log in to a computer and do stuffs.

