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Next Release...

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    Re: Next Release...

    I remember the same issue with Remote Desktop and the Terminal Services error. I spoke with Support and they gave me a work around to the issue. I don't remember what it is but they will help you.


      Re: Next Release...

      CommitCRM Team,

      I just wanted to give you some feedback. Without a clear RoadMap of where the product is going and what is in development I have been forced to Bail on CommitCRM - Just not knowing what is on the cards and if the issues we have with the product will be in line for development and or release, has left us with no choice.

      I think you need to seriously look at assisting your clients with letting them know what planned enhancements are on the agenda. This way they will know if a feature or issue that is affecting them will be resolved in the near future. If people know that its planned and being worked on then they can live with that. NOT knowing - well I couldnt live with it any longer. You have been receiving this sort of feedback for months and all that your CEO could say about the future was "We have big plans for 2010." WELL WHAT ARE THEY ???

      Support has been excellent- and I thank you for the support I have received - If you were to just share your roadmap I think you would have a stronger following (I would probably not of moved to another PSA if I knew what was planned)

      I give this feedback as you have a great product and it has great potential. I do not want CommitCRM to suffer from others in the same situation as me leaving.



        Re: Next Release...


        Thank you for the good feedback. We highly appreciate it.

        I believe that the content of the coming release, 5.3, has been discussed before. We are dramatically improving the support-by-email options so it'll be easier to see the entire email thread for each ticket, as well as to send email replies to tickets from mobile devices (it'll be sent to RangerMSP Email Connector which will then forward it to all the relevant ticket recipients). In addition, we will be implementing some additional related features and will also fix some bugs. Originally we planned to release a beta for 5.3 by the end of next week. However, as we found some bugs it'll probably be delayed for a few more weeks (we usually release a beta that can be used on real/live systems, therefore, it is only being released when we aren't aware of major bugs).

        As for a global roadmap - we plan to release a high level roadmap soon after 5.3 is officially released. This would provide useful information on where we're going.
        We invest a lot of resources in the future releases of RangerMSP and we agree that it should be transparent to our users, especially when our users are the ones that guide us and tell us where to go next.

        Thanks again Jeremy, and we sure hope to continue servicing you.



          Re: Next Release...

          Do you have a time frame for the new release yet?


            Re: Next Release...


            Thank you for following up on this.

            RangerMSP 5.3 includes some nice changes in the way RangerMSP Email Connector works and a lot of infrastructure changes that will allow us to release much faster in the future.

            Unfortunately, we've been facing some unplanned delays with implementing and testing these new features and infrastructure changes. At this time, all looks good and we're working on building and testing the upgrade program itself.

            The time frame for the first Beta release is two weeks.

            Users who signed to our Beta program will receive a notification once the Beta is ready for download.

            Notice: Anyone who purchases RangerMSP 5.2 now, will receive a free upgrade to RangerMSP 5.3 once it is officially released.



              Re: Next Release...

              Any word on that beta? I've getting very impatient over here.


                Re: Next Release...

                RangerMSP 5.3 is already in Beta :-)

                This is Beta Release # 1, which is currently closed to a limited number of users.
                We plan to increase the number of beta participants with time.

                Use this link (link removed) to apply for the Beta. Once approved, and only at the time more Beta spots are opened, we will provide you with the relevant information on how to download and install the beta.



                  Re: Next Release...

                  ok per the previous reply the beta testing should have started mid to late April. I am thinking about buying the upgrade renewal package but I don't see the point if I don't know what is coming in the release.

                  We really need something for our techs to quote with. Do I need to find yet another product to use? How about the Zenith intergration? Apps for Android devices??


                    Re: Next Release...

                    Hey guys, be patient. It's only been since December 8th that this thread started asking about the upgrade. They are working on it as fast as they can. Besides, we're only about half way through 2010.


                      Re: Next Release...

                      RangerMSP 5.3 is in Beta (#1). It mainly includes features discussed in this thread, and a few others (a detailed list will be published together with the official release).

                      So far the feedback about the new features and options is great.

                      As with Beta releases, issues are being reported to us. Once we'll become comfortable with the latest build (i.e. when no significant reports are sent to us) we will officially release it.

                      Beta #2 will be release soon. Once released, we will be accepting more Beta users. Click here (link removed) to apply for the beta (you'll need to upgrade you system to 5.3 are and constantly provide us with your feedback).

                      Thank you,


                        Re: Next Release...

                        So, by the time this is released, it would have been over six months since the thread started and someone asked about the next release?


                          Re: Next Release...

                          g2computersolutions - I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.

                          True. It has been a while since the 5.2 release. And yes, it took us more time than originally planned to build 5.3.

                          For what it worth:

                          We've released 5.0 a year ago.
                          Then 5.1
                          Then 5.2
                          and now the coming 5.3.

                          Each release includes plenty of new options and features.

                          We're talking about 4 new releases within the last 12 months. I believe that it is not that bad at all (to say the least).

                          In any case, we plan to release much more often during 2010. Stay tuned!

                          ** RangerMSP Team Update **

                          RangerMSP version 5.3 has already been released, and followed RangerMSP 5.4 which was released soon after on July 2010.

                          More versions are on the way :-)

                          See more details here.




                            Re: Next Release...

                            I just want to contribute to this thread and confirm that the Beta is going well.

                            The alerting looks like it will definitely be a big help for communication with clients, and, overall, I am happy with the direction CommitCRM is taking the project. I still believe, as I always have, that CommitCRM is the right platform for me to run my business on. I lose faith sometimes too, but overall, we've got a great product, great support, at a great price.

                            I evaluated TigerPaw late last year... Are you kidding? What a mammoth. It does WAY more (most of which I would never use anyway) at 10 times the price. And it DOESN'T do a some of the stuff CommitCRM can do.

                            I think we all have to admit that when stacked up against the alternatives, CommitCRM still wins. Yes, there's some bigger, better systems, but dollar for dollar, CommitCRM comes with a pretty sweet feature set.

                            Commit, the frustration is that in the last year, yes there have been several releases, but as far as real business value, we haven't seen any real good additions (until this beta). I don't remember what 5.1 and 5.2 was, but I think 5.0 was pretty good.

                            Overall, keep up the great work. I think a lot of this frustration could be fixed with a development roadmap. If we know what's coming, and what bugs/features are being added/fixed, it adjusts our expectations accordingly.



                              Re: Next Release...

                              Luke, I think you summed it up pretty well. We have to communicate as partners in this and it helps a lot it we know what direction were going in.


                                Re: Next Release...

                                I never had the cashflow or performance reasons to justify the upgrade to the SQL server version ofCommitCRM. However I used it for almost two years, remotely via RDP and Telstra NextG Broadband. As my final backup I used the Technician web interface.

                                The procedure is simple.

                                It isn't ideal, and isn't robust, but it works, and for Technicians with limited cash flow, it is good as an interim solution. I don't recommend it except in circumstances like mine.

                                Incidentally, if I hadn't tested and confirmed this technique worked on the CommitCRM CRM trial, I wouldn't have bought the full version. Remote access was that important to me.

                                You first configure a spare PC instance (VM works fine) to boot without any passwords, on the web. Make sure your router can port forward to it, and disable any firewalls till you get it all working.

                                You configure this desktop to autoload the CommitCRM application, delayed after startup. I used to use Autoruns.exe on XP for this, but there are better programs for vista/win7 today.

                                So, when you are onsite, you just connect to this desktop. CommitCRM is loaded, asking for your login details. You just enter in the username & password and your in, working remotely.

                                If something goes wrong, you just restart the remote PC instance, and try again a minute later.

                                I used it almost every day. Because I have backups for my backups, I also had ultraVNC running on that same PC instance, and could connect via a web browswer with a non-standard port. This also saved my butt more than a few times, when firewalls prevented me from getting into CommitCRM via RDP for things the web interface was not efficient for.

                                On the other topics- my concern with CommitCRM is 'number of clicks'. I have worked out that to do most tasks takes me far too many clicks. I use MYOB to invoice, so I print PDF reports of charges & ticket from commit, save them in a carefully named directory, print pdf invoice from MYOB (yes I have to double-enter) save this in the same directory, then I combine the files with Adobe or similar, then drag the result into my email program, type in a note, then send. Of course, then I have to go back to commit, make all charges billed, make the ticket completed, finish the filing, mark it as invoiced in myob.

                                A single invoice takes hundreds of clicks, and about 20 minutes. Lucky I am patient.

                                Hopefully, within the next year or so this is all reduced to three clicks, otherwise I will be going towards a web2.0 like a SAASU solution and making do without the brilliant history trail that CommitCRM provides when managing accounts & complex tickets.

                                Xenek Stoehr
                                Endless Technology Pty Ltd

