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Feature Request - No close on license violation

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    Feature Request - No close on license violation


    I run a small shop with 4 guys. We have our 4 licenses. Every now and then CommitCRM thinks we're running more somehow, and shuts down a client.

    I don't have a problem with the idea, I have a problem with how it does it.

    It dumps the interface like it crashed.

    My 4 open timers with about $1500 worth of work just get thrown out. What?! no no no.

    Force me to quit, sure, but let me save my work. I'm not doing anything wrong, just trying to use my package that I'd paid for. I shouldn't be punished by losing my work like this.

    Of course, this also feeds into my other feature request that times get saves automatically on a crash/exit.. fix that, and it fixes this issue.


    Re: Feature Request - No close on license violation


    Thanks for posting this.
    The behavior you’ve described is indeed puzzling. We haven’t seen errors like this much; however, we believe that this may be caused by an underlying issue. In order for us to better understand this behavior, we need to ask some questions, and analyze your feedback from them.
    • Does this behavior present on a single computer, or on multiple computers?
    • Does this happen to a single RangerMSP user?
    • What version of RangerMSP do you have installed? (available from Help > About)
    • Can you please send us the RangerMSP log files, located in Help > Technical Support?

    Once we have the log files, we hope to know more about the cause.


