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Detailed records of multiple visits

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    Detailed records of multiple visits

    Our technical person usually have multiple visits to any one of our customers due to the job nature.

    The issue i have is for the first visit, i can key in all the details of the visit in CommitCRM but for the second and so forth visit is there any way for me to key in the details in the same ticket? Currently im using the history note to key in the details of the visits but these are not complete as i only can key in the date and time the technical person is there. As of what time they leave, i would not be able to key it in.

    Another way is i've key it in all in the resolution column with the time and date attend, what they do and the time they leave.

    All these method have one major issue that i currently facing. When i pull out the report via export to excel, i cant get all those visit details out.

    For most of our customers need a monthly report to be given to them of what case we do, what time we attend, the details of 2nd attend and so on until the job is closed.

    Would you be able to advise me. Previously Im using a customized logging system which enable me to key it in a separate window on the same case for 2nd visits and so on. All of these windows is attached to the main tickets and when i pull a report, all these windows are listed down nicely.

    Any future versions could be include these functions?


    Re: Detailed records of multiple visits


    Thanks for posting this.

    Logging work performed on customer visits is best logged in RangerMSP using Charges (rather than History Notes).

    When revisiting a customer to perform additional maintenance, we suggest your employee create a new charge (or start a RangerMSP timer), and log the information regarding the work performed in the charge description. Using this method, you can set the time your employee started and finished his onsite work, and also mark the charge as non-billable, in case you simply wish to have the work reported, but not charge your customer for it. You can use various contracts which will take care of the billable flag automatically for you.

    Alternatively, you can re-dispatch the ticket so that additional appointments can be scheduled once the first appointment has been created. The way this is done is by scheduling the first appointment, then go to the Ticket screen > Details tab > Mark "Show ticket in dispatcher", so that another appointment can be created for the same ticket (Can be done as many times as needed) via the Dispatcher window.

    Once you want to charge for an appointment, you can have a new charge created from the appointment that you've selected, by right-clicking the appointment and creating a Charge out of the appointment. This will automatically copy the start and end time and the description into the Charge.

    Hope this helps.



      Re: Detailed records of multiple visits

      Hi Sherry,

      Using "charges" for further trips would not be a good idea as i am using the charges as a quotation to customers. If i were to have multiple charges but were not billable, when i pull the report on the report designer for charges to be quoted to customer, all the other the items on the charges will be displayed on it even those without the prices.

      This will make our customer confuse as there is an item without any price and some with price.

      Main thing i want is to be able to pull a report for any account or contracts and list down the number of tickets, every visit details such as date time arrive, time left, resolved date and job done for the month.

      Any suggestions?


        Re: Detailed records of multiple visits


        Thanks for posting this.
        Another alternative to managing multiple appointments for your customers is to re-dispatch the ticket (Tickets screen > Details tab > Show ticket in Dispatcher) once the first appointment has been performed, so that another appointment can be dispatched to any employee you like. These appointments automatically trigger history note to be created, with all the information you've inputted in the appointment copied to the history note. Re-dispatching tickets for additional appointments can be done as many times as needed, once the ticket has already been dispatched.

        We suggest using/customizing the Account History Report to report on all the information that you've listed in the previous post to your customers. This report will include details regarding appointments, tasks, history, charges, etc. and can also be customized to have much more information. The report can also be filtered to reflect a specific account, contract, or time frame.

        For more information regarding customizing RangerMSP reports, please click here.

        Let us know if this helps.



          Re: Detailed records of multiple visits

          Hi Sherry,

          Thanks for the suggestions but the account history report i can't see all the details of a ticket. And when i do advance export i can select the appropriate field that i want. On charges screen i can export what i want.

          The suggestion previously to use charges is great if only the bug can be remove not to show at all the non-billable items when select not to include non billable charge.

          Let me know if the bugs fixed.


