We are just starting to use the web interface and have found that our client is unable to attach any error message to the ticket.
Are we missing anything to allow this to happen.
Support Team
Re: Web interface attach Documents in ticketing
When customers create tickets via the RangerMSP Web Interface, they aren't given permission by the system to add information to all of the RangerMSP fields, since this would probably make the customer ticket creation process much more confusing.
Customers that create their own tickets have the ability to input their own information to the following fields: Ticket Type, Contact, Cause and Description. The Field1 field is a customizable field that your business can use to enter any information that you want to have there. In order to rename the Field1 field to a more appropriate name, we suggest following the instructions as they are displayed in this wiki page.
Let us know if this helps.
Support Team
Re: Web interface attach Documents in ticketing
Thanks for posting this.
Another alternative to managing multiple appointments for your customers is to re-dispatch the ticket (Tickets screen > Details tab > Show ticket in Dispatcher) once the first appointment has been performed, so that another appointment can be dispatched to any employee you like. These appointments automatically trigger history note to be created, with all the information you've inputted in the appointment copied to the history note. Re-dispatching tickets for additional appointments can be done as many times as needed, once the ticket has already been dispatched.
We suggest using/customizing the Account History Report to report on all the information that you've listed in the previous post to your customers. This report will include details regarding appointments, tasks, history, charges, etc. and can also be customized to have much more information. The report can also be filtered to reflect a specific account, contract, or time frame.
For more information regarding customizing RangerMSP reports, please click here.
Let us know if this helps.
Re: Web interface attach Documents in ticketing
What I am interested is the ability of our client to attach files to the ticket when using the web interface.
Just the same when you request that we upload our data file to you for checking.
Support Team
Re: Web interface attach Documents in ticketing
Thanks for sending in this great feedback. I've added this post to an active feature request, and attached your comments to it, as well as your vote. Our development team and product manager will evaluate the implementation possibilities, as soon as possible. For now, it's on our list.
In the mean time, we can suggest the following idea in order to allow your customers to upload their own files to the RangerMSP database.
If you're using the Email Connector, you can have your customers reply to any RangerMSP generated email message sent for a ticket. When replying, your customers can attach any document to the email message, so that the RangerMSP system will receive the email, process it, and file it with the attachment under the ticket/account documents tab. Once the email has arrived, your employees can retrieve the attachment from the EML file created for the ticket in the docs tab, and re-file the attached document as a RangerMSP document.
Let us know if this helps.
Re: Web interface attach Documents in ticketing
This is going back to email again and not fully using the web interface - we either use email or web it is confusing to use both.
The idea is to make it as painless as possible - also the web interface is where we have the knowledge base in order for the client to check this first.
Support Team
Re: Web interface attach Documents in ticketing
Thanks for sending in this great feedback. We plan to add the function to allow customers to upload their own documents to the RangerMSP database via the Web Interface. I've marked this as a feature request, and attached your comments to it, as well as your vote. Our development team and product manager will evaluate the implementation possibilities, as soon as possible. For now, we’ve placed it on our list.
Thanks again for the great feedback.
Re: Web interface attach Documents in ticketing
Hi Commit,
It this feature being implementet ?
Support Team
Re: Web interface attach Documents in ticketing
We will soon release a new version and the above feature will be included in the following release. Do note that employees can already upload files, customers will be able to do so as just mentioned.