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Charges summary for non-billable items

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    Charges summary for non-billable items

    Hi, when i generate a report for charges, even though i marked the charges as non-billiable and uncheck the include non-billable in the summary, the report still shows the type and the description of the non-billable items except that the price is empty.

    Would it be better if not to have the description or the charge type in the report if i already mark it as non-billable.

    Is there a way that the non-billable items not reflecting at all on the charges summary?

    I mean it defeats the purpose to reflect the items and description when i already put the charges as non-billable and uncheck the include non billable items in summary.

    Any suggestions?

    Re: Charges summary for non-billable items


    Thanks for reporting this behavior. There seems to be a minor bug in the charge reports filter; I've passed your comments to the QA team, so that this behavior can be properly addressed for future versions of RangerMSP.

    In the mean time, we suggest adding a value (Not-Billable) to the Field1 field in the new charge window, and select that value when adding non-billable charges. Later on when you generate your technician service form, you can filter out the charges that have the Not-Billable value in Field1.

    This should allow you to generate reports without the charges you've set as Not-Billable.

    Hope this helps.



      Re: Charges summary for non-billable items

      Hi, i had the value "Not-Billable" to Field1 and select it on the charge window that i do not want to be reflected. But how do i filter out?

      I still can see the non-billable charges


        Re: Charges summary for non-billable items


        Thanks for posting the update.
        When generating a Technician service form, the filtering options in the technician service form are somewhat different than in the rest of the charge reports, since this report mixes ticket & charges details.

        When using any charge report except the technician service forms, you will have the option to filter the charges to not show the options marked as not-billable in the field1 field.

        As for the Billable flag not offering any filterability, as I mentioned in the previous post, I've created a bug report, and we hope to have it resolved in subsequent versions.

        Hope this helps.

        Reno Breen


          Re: Charges summary for non-billable items


          The Include Not-Billable Charges in summary does not actually remove not-billable charges from the technicians service form, for the reason that non-billable charges are usually reported to your customers. This allows your customer to keep better track of the work that you put into a ticket, so that your work receives better appreciation.

          We also wanted to point out the option to add a static note to your technician service report that states the fact that the summary of the charges (Total $) only includes values taken from billable charges. so that they understand that the service form clearly stated the total to be paid.

          Reno Breen

