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Tracking client/prospect contacts

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    Tracking client/prospect contacts

    I'd like to know if there's a way to report/track contacts with prospects and the dates. For instance, we have a list that we're working from and we do different marketing activities on portions of that list. We know we can add a note to all the accounts saying we did a certain task, but we want to be able to easily monitor, track, and manage our prospects.

    To do this, we're thinking we need a way to not only add a note, but also add an entry that would include the date/time/activity then we can run a report against this information.

    Another thought would be able to use 'Campaigns' where we define a set of activities, then adding a group of prospects. From there, we would have a set of activities assigned to the campaign. This would require a timer function as part of this would be knowing that you could generate an aging report to let you know which prospects/clients haven't had activity in a certain time-frame.

    Re: Tracking client/prospect contacts


    Thanks for sending in these questions. I’ve copied them for easy reference, and attached relevant answers below. Please review.

    I'd like to know if there's a way to report/track contacts with prospects and the dates. For instance, we have a list that we're working from and we do different marketing activities on portions of that list. We know we can add a note to all the accounts saying we did a certain task, but we want to be able to easily monitor, track, and manage our prospects. To do this, we're thinking we need a way to not only add a note, but also add an entry that would include the date/time/activity then we can run a report against this information.
    • We suggest using Tasks in order to follow up on your Opportunities. Using tasks, you can set a due date, so that if that date is passed without completing the task, then the tasks due date will show in red font. Adding tasks can be done from the opportunities screen > Pending tab. When customizing a RangerMSP opportunities report, you can add the tasks list, so that they show in the report that you redesign. If I've somehow misunderstood, we'd be happy if you can clarify the intended point.

      For more information regarding RangerMSP sales management, please click here.

    Another thought would be able to use 'Campaigns' where we define a set of activities, then adding a group of prospects. From there, we would have a set of activities assigned to the campaign. This would require a timer function as part of this would be knowing that you could generate an aging report to let you know which prospects/clients haven't had activity in a certain time-frame.
    • the RangerMSP system already has a similar option to the feature you've suggested. Using RangerMSP Activity Templates, you can predefine a ser of tasks and appointments as an activity template, and then apply the activity template to any opportunities you wish by right-clicking the opportunities pending list, and selecting the Apply Activity Template. This feature will immediately populate the pending tab with the items you've placed in the activity template.

      For more information regarding Activity Templates, please click here.

    Let us know if this helps.


