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The AND function in searches

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    The AND function in searches

    I'm trying to generate a list of prospects in certain zipcodes. I want the resulting list to include about 5 different zipcodes and want them to be in a single list.

    I don't seem to have the ability in CommitCRM to do an AND when putting in the zipcodes.

    How would you do this?

    Re: The AND function in searches


    When generating reports for specific zipcodes, multiple values cannot be selected for the report, unless a range option is used to only show a range of zipcodes like 11000 & 11100. This would suggest the need to create a separate report for each zip code; however, if you need to create a report that shows a list of accounts from a 5 zipcode area, we suggest using the following method:
    • Using the filter bar, you can show a list of customers with a specific zip code.
    • When you have filtered the list, you can use the batch update option (Accounts menu > Tools > Batch Update) , to add a value to an unused field for the whole list.
    • Once this is done for all 5 zip codes, you can generate a report that only shows accounts that have the value you've placed in the unused field.

    Let us know if this helps.



      Re: The AND function in searches

      Wow, another work-around. Pretty soon, I will need a work-around to deal with my work-arounds.

      I suppose this would, but I seems rather premitive and makes it more difficult to work with my prospect list of over 1,000 records across about 20-30 different zipcodes.

