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Custom Pricing not used in charge

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    Custom Pricing not used in charge


    I set up a Custom Price for an account. The contract is set to use the account price. Yet when I create a charge under a ticket, it still uses the standard price.

    In the Accounts > Custom Price setup, I've tried a percent markup, a fixed hourly rate for all employees, and a custom rate for one employee. None of these are used when creating charges.

    What am I missing?

    Mark Berry
    MCB Systems

    Re: Custom Pricing not used in charge

    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for posting this.
    The custom pricing rules set for your account should take effect as long as the contract pricing scheme is set to use the account pricing options, which is the case by system default.
    In order to better understand the cause of this behavior, we ask that you email us at Support @ a few screenshots from RangerMSP.
    • Custom Pricing Tab for the account mentioned.
    • Custom Pricing Tab for the Contract you're charging to. (If any)
    • Charge Details Window for the charge not effected by custom pricing. (Double Click the charge)

    We believe that these screenshots will shed more light on this behavior.

    Many thanks in advance.



      Re: Custom Pricing not used in charge

      Hi Mark,

      Thanks for emailing us the screenshots. It would seem that the reason that your custom pricing is not taking affect, is due to the item being charged having a fixed price instead of an employee rate based price. This would work great of you set appropriate custom pricing settings to include this type of item.

      Let us know if this helps.



        Re: Custom Pricing not used in charge

        Thank you. Setting custom item pricing at the Account level solved the problem.

        Mark Berry
        MCB Systems

