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Feature Request: Auto add documents to CommitCRM based on folder structure.

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    Feature Request: Auto add documents to CommitCRM based on folder structure.

    So we all probably have folders that we use to store files on clients. For me its Y:\Client Files\[Client Name]. Why could CommitCRM have a small service running on the CommitCRM server that scans Y:\Client Files\ every 5 or 10 min and automatically check to make sure every file there was in the corresponding clients documents tab. For instance if Joe Smith Furniture is Y:\Client Files\Joe Smith Furniture, then CommitCRM would scan the folder, lookup in CommitCRM which account that path belongs to and then add the docs that aren't already there to that accounts document structure.

    Easy enough? ;) Would this help anyone else? If it would, then let's let CommitCRM know! ...Alternately, maybe a 3rd party "utility" could be developed that would do this using Commit's API.


    Re: Feature Request: Auto add documents to CommitCRM based on folder structure.

    This is a idea that has been knocking around in my head for ages. I have dozens of documents for my clients in exactly the structure you mention. Many of those docs were created pre-CommitCRM and its just not feasible to manually add every single one of them in the CommitCRM client. In addition I often create docs and have docs to add when i am on a clients site. I use Dropbox on my laptop and save docs in there so they appear on all my PCs running dropbox. It would be superb if they appeared in CommitCRM without me needing to remember to manually add them when i am back in office, which i simply don't have time to do anyway. CommitCRM already knows the customers folder, would be great to have the server scan that folder as you describe and add docs.

    it has my vote.


      Re: Feature Request: Auto add documents to RangerMSP based on folder structure.

      Hi Guys,

      Thanks for the feedback.
      The RangerMSP system supports importing whole folders of documents; however, if you want the system to automatically import files in a folder based on their modification date, then this is a feature we intend to incorporate into RangerMSP in the future.

      Thanks for your comments on this; I’ll add your vote to this request.




        Re: Feature Request: Auto add documents to CommitCRM based on folder structure.

        Ok, it does support importing whole folders of docs, but as a manual process, not automatic. I want to be able add documents directly to a client's folder and have that automatically populate inCommitCRM. I don't think it should be based on their modification date... Rather if the file doesn't exist in Commit, it should just automatically add it. Support for subdirectories might be cool too... In other words, Y:\Client Files\[Client Name]\Licensing\.

        Anyway, looking forward to it! :)


