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Basic SLA reporting

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    Basic SLA reporting

    Hi There

    Is there anyway to calculate the difference between open and close time within working hours ona report. We have to provide SLA reports to 3 of our clients and ideally this would behave as follows:

    CommitCRM understands that we work 9am - 6pm.
    If a ticjets is opened by whatever means it can trace the follwoing:
    a. Initial Time logged.
    b. Time noted and escalated.
    c. Time closed of resolved.

    Any assistance achieving this would be greatly appreciated.



    Re: Basic SLA reporting

    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for posting this.
    The RangerMSP system takes automatic notations of the time a ticket was opened and closed (however, other users can manually adjust these values). In addition, each time a ticket status has been updated, an audit is also entered into the system in the History tab, which describes the detail of the ticket status adjustment; however, to perform calculations between these dates, you currently need to export your ticket date to Excel.

    We suggest printing an Expanded Ticket Details report; which includes ticket details including open and close date, a history report which includes details about all audits on the ticket, so that your customer can follow the escalation of the ticket, and many other ticket related history.

    This report can be generated from the tickets screen toolbar, when you select the ticket you want to generate for.

    Hope this helps.



      Re: Basic SLA reporting

      I wish the CommitCRM reporting engine could be a little more robust. If we could just do calculated fields and some charts/graphs in the built in reporting engine, it would be tremendously helpful.

      Are there any plans on the roadmap to update this?

      The Excel integration via ODBC just leaves a bit to be desired. Yeah it works, but something just doesn't feel "seemless..."

      You know, I feel sorry for you guys sometimes. It must be a rough life developing software for a bunch of computer techs. :)


        Re: Basic SLA reporting

        Hi Luke,

        Thanks for posting this.
        We understand where this feedback comes from; so no need to worry about posting feedback on our forum. We do our best to gather as much relevant information from our customers, on how to make our product better and more intuitive for our current and future customers.

        We do have the Report Designer on our list, can I am copying your comments and vote to this file; I'll mark this for an additional review by the product management team.

        Thanks again for the feedback.

        Reno Breen


          Re: Basic SLA reporting

          Hi Sherry

          In an ideal world our clients would have all day to read these reports. We are looking for a summary report. I understand that ticket closging times can be amended and changed and audit entries added but therein lies the opportunity. Let me explain using the following scenario.

          Ticket opened - starts the clock ticking - Ticket created
          Ticket Responded to - creates a status update - this would also be true for all Audits etc.
          Ticket Resolved - Closed Date Time minus Start Date time.

          In this way you can track ticket creation, through response time to closure.

          Thanks for you email otherwise. I have tried to export the data into Excel from the ticket list BUT i get an error saying "There was a problem sending the command to the program".

          I am running Windows 7, Office SBE 2007.




            Re: Basic SLA reporting

            Hi Mark,

            Thanks for the feedback; I've copied your comments to be reviewed by the product management team. We do have plans to improve the SLA monitoring features in RangerMSP; however, that feature is still in development stages.

            Regarding your issue exporting information to excel; we'll need to gather more data regarding this behavior, so that we can resolve this in the quickest manner possible.
            • Can you tell me if this problem occurs only when exporting ticket information; or does this also happen with account info and asset info?
            • Have you tried running RangerMSP in Elevated Mode?
            • Which exporting method did you use? (Excel file or Excel Worksheet)
            • If you only checked one of the methods; can you check the other?
            • Can you run a Repair Process on Office and try again?
            • If none of this helps, can you please send us the log files from your RangerMSP system? The log files can be found in Help > Technical Support.

            Once we have the logs, we’ll analyze them to ascertain the cause for this behavior.


