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Additional Group Categories in Reports Help

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    Additional Group Categories in Reports Help

    I'm new to Commit, and am currently creating a few custom reports for our company based on our needs. However, I've run into a bit of a roadblock.

    I've noticed that different reports have access to different database fields based on category. FE: In the report "Charges Report by Ticket", when placing a database text field, I have only access to those fields which fall under the category "Charges". In the report "Ticket Details", I only have access to those fields which fall under the categories "Assets" and "Tickets".

    At first I thought I could just find one that used, say "Charges", "Tickets" and "History" but I haven't been able to find a system report that has all of the categories I'd like to include.

    My question boils down to this- how can I add more categories to this database field list?

    Re: Additional Group Categories in Reports Help

    Hi Deb,

    Thanks for posting this.
    The fields available in each type of report cannot be adjusted; they must be used as is.

    The best way available to achieve your reporting needs is to generate 2 reports:
    • Technician Service form w/ charges - is available from the charges category; and you can use this report to report on tickets, charges and Calendar.
    • Expanded Ticket Details - is available from the Tickets Category, and it includes Ticket data, Calendar data and History data.

    Hope this helps.



      Re: Additional Group Categories in Reports Help

      Will this be something that will be addressed in future software upgrades?


        Re: Additional Group Categories in Reports Help

        Hi Deb,

        Thanks for posting this.
        We aren't working at the moment on any enhancements to the Report Designer for RangerMSP 5.3; i'm sorry, i cannot comment about future versions beyond RangerMSP 5.3.

        However, we do have a feature request to have some aspects of the report designer updated; i'll add your vote to it, as well as your comments.

        Thanks for the feedback.


