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iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

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    Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

    Sorry for any delayed responses, we have been directing resources to a large project deadline. Now that we are past that we are full steam ahead with Interlink. We have made a lot improvements and added additional features that we will be showcasing. Please feel free to email directly at with any questions.


      Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List


      I have to say that I would be a bit concerned with working with a company that just ignores emails instead of responding back that the project has been put on hold.


        Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

        Design One Corporation is interested in testing the mobile app for out iPhones. How do we apply and what do you anticipate will be the cost when the product is released.


          Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

          Is there a production release yet? Blackberry support?


            Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

            I am interested in potentially buying CommitCRM for my company, but am awaiting response in this thread as to whether an iPhone and Android app exists? any updates?


              Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

              Interlink update

              We have been busy working on Interlink adding features that were needed based on field tests and daily usage as well as we are enhancing the interface to be much more iPad friendly.

              Some of the new features that in the current version are as follows:

              Client Intake Form (This allows clients to easily submit tickets via a simple web-form)

              Client Approver Portal (This allows client IT Approvers to view submitted tickets and approve them with a click of a button. This creates a history note within CommitCRM showing when and by who a ticket was approved by.)

              Client Ticket Routing and Notification (So when a pending ticket is approved this will route the ticket to the appropriate engineer, change the status from new to assigned, change the approval from pending to approved, and notify the primary and secondary engineer for an account if selected to.)

              Mileage Tracking

              QuickBooks Invoice Breakdown (This allows a client to enter their quickbooks invoice number and based on the location/department that was selected in the intake form, it will break down the invoice total by location/department in seconds versus an accounting staff member having to hand code an invoice line by line.)

              Contract Hour Consumption Report (This shows monthly contract hours and how much has been used, this shows for all clients assigned to the engineer or for managers shows for all clients company wide. This is displays on one web screen very fast!)

              Contract Block Hour Consumption Report (This is the same as above but for blocks of time)

              Some Screen Shots

              Client Manager

              Ticket Manager

              Client Manager - Editing Client

              Contract Hours Report

              We are always looking for serious companies that are interested in testing and using Interlink to better assist them in using CommitCRM CRM remotely. Please send me an email with questions, and I try to respond as quickly as possible. I get a lot of email so I apologize for any delay in responding.



                Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

                Little screencast of an integration between Digium Switchvox AA305 PBX and CommitCRM CRM. When a call comes in, we match the inbound caller ID and pull up the matching client record. Displays who the primary and secondary engineer are, contact info, open tickets, map of client location, and ability to create a ticket for the client that called in.


                Contact us if you have any interest of questions,

                Jim Watt
                Dynamic Solutions Group


                  Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

                  Any news on Android development? I would pay good money for that and am happy to test too.


                    Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

                    Since Interlink is a web app, it should work on most modern smartphone browsers. We have test it on the Android Simulator without any issues.


                      Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

                      Thanks, i saw that after visiting the site. Is there a free trial? I know you say you give a refund within 30 days but still $499 USD is a lot to shell out to see if it suits, especially for us solo techies. I'd rather jsut test it then pay if it suits, rather than pay up front than have the hassle of refunds etc after that fact.

                      Theres also close to zero activity on your forums for the product so it kind of feels like I'd be one of the first to buy it which makes me nervous. A free trial would certainly get you a hell of a lot more exposure and take up from the CommitCRM community and I would imagine potentially turn into a lot more sales.

                      I had thought it would just be an app that interfaced with the CommitCRM web interface but it seems to be much more complex than that in terms of needing its own server to run on.



                        Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List


                        Just wondering if you've tested on a Blackberry browser. Looks like very nice work - i'll be getting the prerequisites installed on my server so I can give it a shot. BTW, any install guides available for those server requirements (PHP, etc)?


                          Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

                          Answered my own question... Here's the link for anyone else wondering:


                            Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List


                            Wish it was as easy as just connecting to CommitCRM's web interface. We may eventually get to where we can offer a free trial, but since we utilize underlying technologies such as CommitCRM's SQL & ODBC, PHP, and MySQL we didn't feel just unleashing it in a trial made sense at this point.

                            We have a private forum for beta testers and communicate via email and phone primarily at this point.

                            Best regards,



                              Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

                              Ok, it's not for me yet then. I can't afford to upgrade to the CommitCRM SQL version and buy the Interlink software in the hope it will suit. Will keep an eye on developments.


                                Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

                                Here is a new screencast of our new Client Portal piece of Interlink. This piece provides a simplified way for clients and their employees to submit service requests into CommitCRM from a simple web form.

                                Once submitted the approver at the client company is notified via email of a pending ticket, which they then log into their web portal and can view, comment, approve or cancel pending ticket requests. Once approved Interlink will create a history note for who approved the ticket with date and time stamp. The ticket is then moved from its pending assignment to any user you choose withinCommitCRM. The status is changed from new to assigned and the approval status from pending to approved.

                                This creates a document submission and approval process for all work request.

                                In addition, notifications of pending HIGH and IMMEDIATE level tickets can be sent to a primary and/or secondary engineer as a heads up.

                                Clients can log into this portal and view and comment on all open tickets for their company as well.

                                When the client receives their monthly invoice, they can also log into the portal and enter the invoice number in which will provide them a dollar amount breakdown by location/department that the work was associated with when the intake form was filled out. This saves your clients accounting departments untold amounts of time hand coding the invoice line items.

                                Lot of other workflow improvements are associated with this feature to greatly reduce the time it takes to get tickets created, approved and documented along the entire workflow. Increasing efficiencies and capturing more billable time!

                                Video Link:

                                Any questions, please feel free to email or visit

                                Jim Watt
                                Dynamic Solutions Group

