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iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

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    Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

    Good stuff Jim. So basically the way you are heading, we can just plan on replacing the CommitCRM web interface with what you guys are doing? Is that what I'm seeing? Looks very nice. We don't really use ticket "approvers" etc, but still looks like a great interface and very usable.


      Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

      Thanks, but we really are not trying to replace CommitCRM's web interface. Our web side is to make it more ipad friendly and streamline some of the input processes. We deal with some high volume clients as well as SOX regulations and by having a formal intake process with approvals and documented changes through out the entire process really helps with the auditors ; )



        Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

        Another screen cast, this time it is for the new Add Ticket interface which works on full browser or iPad.

        Jim Watt
        Dynamic Solutions Group


          Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

          Another screen cast, this one shows adding a new charge into CommitCRM through the Interlink web interface.

          Jim Watt
          Dynamic Solutions Group


            Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

            Another new screen cast, this one is for our new Quick Ticket Search. It's like Google instant search but for CommitCRM tickets.


            Jim Watt
            Dynamic Solutions Group


              Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

              The videos are looking great, for iPad users. I'm not sure the big cheese will spring for iPads for all the field techs, but this might be a way to coax him... LOL

              I believe you had mentioned in an email that your team is planning on transferring some of the functionality to the iPhone (or smaller-screen devices). I gather the existing demo videos of the iPhone interface will remain largely unchanged or will there be improvements there as well?

              As we usually have about 6-7 guys on the road at a time, dispatch normally needs to check their calendars for their availability, and who would be the best fit. Within Commit, dispatch can quickly glance at the different calendar view to identify this. In this set up they could only blindly assign a ticket, correct? Is there plans to implement a calendar feature at all?


                Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

                New iPhone videos will be posted this comimg week. We are busy adding the new features from the iPad version into the iPhone GUI. Specifically, start and end times, contact look up for clients with ability to dial or email from the lookup, improved charge entry efficiencies, and more...



                  Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

                  Here are the links to the latest video demos on our iPhone web app for use with CommitCRM.

                  GFI MAX Integration
                  CommitCRM Calendar Integration
                  CommitCRM Contact Informaton
                  CommitCRM Charges
                  CommitCRM Tickets

                  Will post more as soon as we make them...


                    Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

                    Looking good!
                    I had one concern when it comes to "Tap to Select Company"
                    We have over 1000 companies/accounts listed withinCommitCRM.
                    Of those 200-300 are relatively active.

                    The option to scroll to the desired company isn't really practical.
                    Would there be a consideration to be able to search instead?


                      Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

                      It would not be a problem to a search for client in place of the tap to select. We search as you type in other areas of the system and could quite easily the search to select clients. Thanks for the great suggestion!



                        Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

                        The videos look great, any idea when a release will be available?



                          Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

                          I emailed you last night with some more comments, specifically regarding labor type.
                          Check it out and let me know your thoughts.

                          Another quick question about primary and secondary engineers specified under a location of a client. We have some higher profile clients that get the luxury of dedicated engineers, otherwise we're hard pressed to have number 1 and 2 person assigned. I gather those drop-downs are option and more like default which can be changed at the time of generating the ticket?


                            Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

                            Sorry, I did not receive your email. Please try sending again to when you have a moment.

                            Regarding the primary and secondary engineers - Yes, those are more like defaults and can be changed at time of ticket creation or after wards. What we have been doing internally is actually having a generic CommitCRM user which we use as a holding queue to assign tickets to and then we change that to the actual engineer once it is determined who that will be.

                            Let me know if you have any additional questions,



                              Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

                              Hmmm, resent it. It's coming from my "at mbu dot ca" address.

                              Our process is a little different when it comes to tickets. I've been working on pushing the client submitted ticket approach, but we have dispatch centre that field email and phone requests manually. They feel it allows some quality control as well as connected with a person.

                              That said, with the Client Intake approach I might have more ammo to convince them to a more automated approach. How do you deal with the Email connector and all its craziness. Emails flying everywhere! It's great if people follow the process, but we found correspondence rarely follows the same email thread (which would keep things connected). People send random emails about the same issue which generate brand new tickets, when they should really be associated with the initial ticket.

                              Let me know if you still miss out on my email. I'm sending it now.


                                Re: iPhone Web App Video Demos and Feature List

                                Ok so you have iPhone support........ any chance of proting the iPhone support for CommitCRM to a Android based phone?

