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Delete multiple accounts at the same time

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    Delete multiple accounts at the same time


    I am trialling CommitCRM and so far like what I see. However, I performed an outlook sync and it sync all my contacts and there are 1000 or so accounts that I dont want to be used inCommitCRM. How do I delete all accounts at the same time.

    I can only delete them one-by-one and this will take ages!

    If I can export all accounts of type "customer", then delete ALL accounts and import "Customers" again that would be fine but I couldnt find a way to do this.


    Re: Delete multiple accounts at the same time

    Hi Billiez,

    Thanks for posting this.
    Since the system doesn't include an option to mass delete RangerMSP accounts, we generally suggest backing up prior to any mass imports since restoring the backup is the only way to roll back.

    If this is a trial installation and do not have a backup to fall back on, we suggest reinstalling the RangerMSP system and starting over.

    Hope this helps.



      Re: Delete multiple accounts at the same time

      While I understand the "protection" thoughts that went into limiting multiple deleting ... there are times that I would like to use this function as well. We have a customer that has a high turnover of employees - we use secondary contacts to track these ... sometimes I have as many as 10 maybe 15 to delete when I go in to clean up the users.

      Being able to delete multiples would be helpful.



        Re: Delete multiple accounts at the same time

        Hi Darlene,

        We'll be sure to copy the Product management team on this thread so that they can review it.

        Thanks for the feedback.



          Re: Delete multiple accounts at the same time

          Has there been a solution to this question?


            Re: Delete multiple accounts at the same time

            Not much progress in regards to Outlook, however, with standard importing (like when you import your Accounts from Excel files) we have made a progress and you can now simply select the un-import option that allows you to un-import all accounts imported during an identified import operation (Account that has been "used" will not be deleted).

            We may add support for a similar functionality with the Outlook sync in the future.


