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Customizing the Web Interface?

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    Customizing the Web Interface?


    I am starting to explore CommitCRM Web for our clients to use. However, I would like it to be as user friendly as possible. Below is a list of things I would like to do to improve the use for my customers.

    1a. I would like to hide some of the columns, specifically under the Contracts tab. The only columns I need are: View, Name, Start date, End Date, Time Used. How do I Hide/remove the others such as Contract Code, Description, Type & Status?

    1b. In addition to the question above, how do I make "Time Used", or even number of tickets or $$ used field visible on the web? This is probably the most important for us. It would be great for the client to be able to view this info right from the initial list of contracts under the contracts tab rather than having them click VIEW to open the full contract details.

    1c. Also in relation to the questions above, how do I rearrage the column order? I would like them to appear as: View, Name, Start date, End Date, Time Used?

    2. Our clients have several individuals that would like to logon to the CommitCRM Web to view account info. However, I do not want ALL the account contacts to view ALL the info. For exampe, we have school as a client. It is nice to be able to have the lab teacher login and check the status of an open ticket on one of her lab machines, however we do not want that teacher to be able to view the Contracts or other financial areas of the account. Is it possible to control access to specific tabs on the Web version?

    3. Is it possible to have an active contract that is not visible on the Web? For example we setup a contract for our clients that has all the Non-billable charges (this is where we assign charges that we perform for our clients that are either free/included with their signed agreement with us or other work that we accept as "our fault" and are not billable to our client) We want our Technicians to be able to access this "Non-Billable" contract from the field for recording but do not necessarily need the clients to have access to it.

    I hope I made sense above.
    Thanks in advance,


    Re: Customizing the Web Interface?


    Thanks for posting these questions. I’ve copied them for easy reference, and attached relevant answers below. Please review.

    • 1a. I would like to hide some of the columns, specifically under the Contracts tab. The only columns I need are: View, Name, Start date, End Date, Time Used. How do I Hide/remove the others such as Contract Code, Description, Type & Status? 1b. In addition to the question above, how do I make "Time Used", or even number of tickets or $$ used field visible on the web? This is probably the most important for us. It would be great for the client to be able to view this info right from the initial list of contracts under the contracts tab rather than having them click VIEW to open the full contract details. 1c. Also in relation to the questions above, how do I rearrage the column order? I would like them to appear as: View, Name, Start date, End Date, Time Used?

      The infrastructure of RangerMSP Web Interface allows customizations, however, we haven't gone public with this yet and some customizations can be handled by us. If a table of data must be modified and some columns removed/added let us know exactly what you need and we will try to help. In any case, if you need access to a specially formatted list in the RangerMSP Web Interface, we suggest customizing a few reports, so that you can generate them to PDF on the go. The only other option here is to go into the details page for any contract that you want to review extended information for.

      For more information regarding Reports Designer, please click the following links:

      Reports Designer User Guide

      Reports FAQ

    • 2. Our clients have several individuals that would like to logon to the RangerMSP Web to view account info. However, I do not want ALL the account contacts to view ALL the info. For example, we have school as a client. It is nice to be able to have the lab teacher login and check the status of an open ticket on one of her lab machines; however we do not want that teacher to be able to view the Contracts or other financial areas of the account. Is it possible to control access to specific tabs on the Web version?

      Customizing what customers can see and cannot see can set under the Tools > Options > The 'Web Interface' tab. For example you can set whether customers see Charges information, Assets information etc. However, this is set globally and affect all customers. If you want separation in this area, you'll need to divide the different users to different customer accounts, so that they will not have access to each others information. This may cause a problem if you use QuickBooks with RangerMSP, since you won't be able to link multiple RangerMSP accounts to the same QuickBooks customer; but, creating separate accounts for the corresponding accounts should helps there.
    • 3. Is it possible to have an active contract that is not visible on the Web? For example we setup a contract for our clients that has all the Non-billable charges (this is where we assign charges that we perform for our clients that are either free/included with their signed agreement with us or other work that we accept as "our fault" and are not billable to our client) We want our Technicians to be able to access this "Non-Billable" contract from the field for recording but do not necessarily need the clients to have access to it.

      The RangerMSP Web Interface can't be set to selectively display contracts to, since the RangerMSP Web Interface is meant to report on all actions that take place in the customer account. If you don't want your customers to see the non billable charges, when we suggest that you either set the customers cannot see Charge/Contract information globally, or, keep their ability to view such information and issue these charges to a "dummy" account that is not accessible to the customer (can be one for each customer or one for all customers). This means that whenever you're creating a non billable charge, you'll need to manually select the non-billable account in the charge window. The down side with the later option is that it'll be harder to internally analyze amount spent on each customer and other statistics.

    Hope this helps.



      Re: Customizing the Web Interface?

      Thank you so much for the quick response.

      Do you know when a new version of CommitCRM might be released?



        Re: Customizing the Web Interface?

        I'm happy to let you know that RangerMSP 5.3 is already in Beta :-)

        This the first release of the Beta, which is currently closed to a limited number of users. Additional participants are added each day with the progress of the Beta.

        If you're interested, you can use this link (link removed) to apply for the Beta. Once approved, and at the time more Beta users are accepted, we will provide you with the relevant information on how to download and install the beta.



          Re: Customizing the Web Interface?

          That is great. I will apply, do you by chance have a list of the new upcoming features to be included in the upgrade?


            Re: Customizing the Web Interface?


            Those features are still under review and are only released to Beta participants.
            Once you send us an application and it is approved, and at the time new Beta users are accepted (more are added each day) we will provide you with all the relevant information.

            Thank you.


              Re: Customizing the Web Interface?

              Thank you.

