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Charges Payment Received

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    Charges Payment Received

    I have added charges to a ticket, closed the ticket because the job is completed but awaiting payment from customer.

    I can view the charges and can mark the charges as Billed but is there a way to see if the customer has paid or not paid yet or is this a job only for the accounting software?

    i.e. the ticket is completed but unpaid.


    Re: Charges Payment Received

    Hi Billie,

    Thanks for posting this.
    Even if you don't use QuickBooks, you can still use the Invoice Generation window to be able to view all tickets with charges that haven’t been marked billed yet.

    Whenever you want to review which tickets haven't had their charges marked as Billed, just go to File > New > QuickBooks Invoice, and click the Tickets option. If you decide you want to open and review one of these tickets, you can double click it to be opened immediately.

    Alternatively, you can open the Charges screen and filter it to only show charges not marked billed yet; however, this option will show separate charges and not the tickets.

    Let us know if this helps.


