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Syncronise with Google Calender

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    Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

    You should really consider letting every registered user vote on items. I'm not sure how you come up with what is more important / less important.

    I wouldn't be too hard to let us vote by registered email address, and show the results. They we couldn't complain when you say you are working on the ones with higher votes, etc.


      Re: Syncronise with Google Calender


      I think it's kind of like everything else in life, if you contribute then you have a say... I see a lot of activity on these forums and I'm guessing CommitCRM uses the input directly from them to determine where and what should be developed. For those that don't plug into the forms (obviously you are not one of them), give their feedback and help others out, I say the get what is given. If they don't like it, plug in and talk about it!

      Now that said, I do like the idea of having maybe a once/year email go out to the registered owners of CommitCRM for a short survey to help prioritize development... CommitCRM could then also weigh that against how many licenses are in use.

      cheers --



        Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

        Yes! And we should get the results. They cant keep saying this and that is more requested and it doesn't seem like it is. Where are all these requests? I read almost ever post!

        I know how easy it is to ask for something. I also know how hard it is to make seemingly simple things work.

        If people request a feature that is harder to implement, then just let us know. Have a 1 - 5 grading scale that comes out with the survey results. Then we'll know what to expect sooner than later.


          Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

          Thanks nattivillin. Even with this active forum the majority of feature requests are still sent to us by email... Anyway, we will share such results should such a survey be sent out.
          A Google Calendar two way sync is probably not of the easiest thing to implement yet we have received requests for it and have started evaluating the options. Anyway, it will probably won't be introduced in the near future.

          Thanks guys for your suggestions!


            Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

            Any update on this? For 1.5 years you guys wrote that you are working on this and last message says that it wont be available in the near future. We stopped using MS office products about 3 years ago. Google apps integration would be an essential feature for us. Not just calendar but, docs, contacts, gmail and etc.



              Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

              Thanks for asking. We've actually made some progress in this direction, however, other things got higher priority or have become more popular so this project has been put on hold. We definitely see the benefits it'll give to users that use Google Calendar and hope to get back to it sooner than later.


                Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                the google apps API should make this not too difficult to do from a developers standpoint.

                but this is just another post to request google calendar sync!

                my primary workstation is linux and i mostly use CommitCRM thru the webui, so server side commite-google calendar integration would be VERY useful to me and my organization.

                Thanks :)


                  Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                  Vote noted. Thanks.


                    Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                    I used to use CommitCRM. I stopped because I simply couldn't afford to buy the add-ons I needed, and due to my lack of research, I didn't realise that after the trial, that they would cease to work.
                    Anyhow, Support were really good to me and even though I walked away from Commit, they were very helpful.
                    One of my biggest problems was the Outlook Sync. It is very flaky, and I'm not necessarily blaming CommitCRM for that. Outlook is bloated and unstable compared to Google Apps mail and calendar. It would seem that more and more businesses are adopting Google Apps over Outlook.
                    Using Outlook with CommitCRM, I had calendar entries appearing up to 5 times for the same event. Confusion over which workstation was trying to sync. Error messages popping up because computers without Outlook installed were causing the CommitCRM client to have sync issues.
                    So, with my errors and the sync problems in mind, I walked away.
                    I have to say, I would probably consider coming back to CommitCRM if it could sync with Google Apps calendar and mail. Too many errors with Outlook sync.
                    So, add my +1 to the cause even though, at present, I am not (yet) a CommitCRM user.


                      Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                      Thank you for posting this and for your kind works about our support. We evaluate the options about such an integration and revisit it from time to time. Once we will feel comfortable enough in regards to the Google Apps APIs and the possibility to offer a very reliable such a sync we will probably offer it. In regards to Outlook sync, even though some improvements are requested, like server side sync with Exchange (unlike the client sync with Exchange/Outlook), it normally works very well with Outlook and we have plenty of users using it on a daily basis successfully. In case you decide to use it again we will be happy to work with you and resolve this syncing problem.

                      Hope this helps.


                        Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                        Thanks againCommitCRM.
                        Kind words were justified. In my opinion, you are as on the ball as you can be.
                        Everyone wants something sometime and sometime soon.
                        I have read in other threads about the Outlook sync issue and it's easy to explain it.
                        I had CommitCRM installed on my server and had it syncing through Outlook via Google Apps sync.
                        Occasionally, it would fail to sync with no descriptive error other than it was going to try again in safe mode. It usually succeeded but often duplicated events.
                        But the real problem is that if I then went to a PC which had Outlook installed but not used, there would be error messages from CommitCRM that it couldn't sync. I really needed it to sync only with the server computer but it seemed to try to sync on any PC it was lauched on.
                        We don't use exchange server and never will. I'm happy to try an alternative to Google Apps mail and calendar but I simply can't find a better alternative yet. At least not one as popular and comprehensive as GA.
                        Perhaps I had it set up wrong?
                        I would like to remain active on the forums even though I no longer use CommitCRM. I say this as one day, I do hope to return to CommitCRM.
                        You were good to me and you know why.
                        I haven't forgotten.


                          Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                          Thank you!

                          The only thing we can think of in regards to the above is that you had Auto-Sync enabled and saved to start to sync automatically each time you log in. With saved Auto-Sync settings it does start to run on every PC you log in with your user-credentials.

                          The way around it is not to save-settings for auto-sync but rather to activate the active sync manually when you're using the machine you want it to sync with (In your scenario the machine that has Outlook locally installed and synced with Google Apps). This is not ideal but it's the only thing I can think of at the moment.

                          Hope this makes things somewhat clearer and helps.


                            Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                            Yes, actually it does. Thanks.
                            As you say, it's not ideal. Maybe another +1 fr GA sync then.
                            HOwever, I guess a workaround could be to have one user logged in on the server with auto sync enabled and use a different user login on other clients?

                            Obviously, the negative is the fact taht a second user licence is required to achieve this.
                            Food for thought though.

                            Thanks CommitCRM support.


                              Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                              We use google apps as well, It will be wonderful to have a direct sync to google calendar and task, then to each of the techs, you guys should prioritize Google apps synchronization. In addition, It will help expose commitcrm to potentially millions of people that use google apps marketplace.


                                Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                                Rayman, that's a really good point.

                                It's obviously not quiute as easy as we all think otherwise, I'm sure CommitCRM would have done this already, especially considering the additional marketing it would attract.

                                There is a web based product called Nimble that syncronises beautifully with GA Mail, calendar, Facebook, Twitter and various other integrations. Nimble isn't CommitCRM by any standards, but it shows that the integration can be done and done really well. I use Nimble, but not for anything like CommitCRM can handle.
                                IMHO CommitCRM is the best at what it does, but it's like a penthouse suite inside and a log cabin outside.
                                And I mean that in a nice way. Constructive not critical.

