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Billing contracts, part and labor at once

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    Billing contracts, part and labor at once

    I have setup contracts starting at the 1st every month.
    I add charges for parts and work whenever needed.

    I want next month contracts to appear on this month invoice, cause of due date.
    I want this month labor and parts to appear on this month invoice.

    What is best practice to do this.

    Another question:
    Is it possible to get the charge text of a contract to look like this:
    Phone support 1.3.2010 to 31.3.2010
    and make batch copy update this text for next month so it looks like this:
    Phone support 1.4.2010 to 30.4.2010

    Re: Billing contracts, part and labor at once


    Thanks for posting this.
    In order for the next month's contract price charge to be added to the previous month's invoice, we suggest renewing the contract for the next month prior to the end of the month. This way, the contract price charge for next month will be created and queued for invoicing whenever you're prepared to invoice. The best time to invoice the monthly charges for month A with the contract price charge for Month B is at the end of month A after you've already created the new contract for month B by using the Contract Renewal Wizard.

    In order to create this invoice, you should go to File > New > QuickBooks Invoice > Account > Select your account > Review charges > Generate the invoice.

    Upon renewing the contract for the next months, the system only update’s the contract sub-code to the next number; however, the contract name cannot be automatically adjusted or customized. This means that the contract would require being manually renamed, to reflect the correct month in the contract name. We have a feature request to have this option added; however, it is pending development. I’ve added a vote for you as well as your comments. Thanks for your feedback.

    Let us know if this helps.



      Re: Billing contracts, part and labor at once

      I was not clearly enough.

      It was not the contract name that should be updated, but the Charge item description, so the description can tell about a (running) period on the charge rapport.

      I can see that when making a new labor charge, there is a checkmark named "Enable Batch Update" when right clicking the description field, choose field settings, choose advanced.

      So it looks like we can do a bactch update on the description of a charge (which is what I want)


        Re: Billing contracts, part and labor at once

        Thanks itognet for providing additional information.
        The Price Charge Description is automatically copied to the new next-period contract together with its price and other details. The description remains exactly as you originally wrote it and it is not dynamic based on parameters.


