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New version

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    New version

    Hi All,

    Finally be unleashed on the forums. I think I've been using CommitCRM for 3 years or so, maybe 4. From release 3.0 anyway. Since this version, I've seen a lot of updates. The milestones for me have been:

    * Quickbooks Integration
    * Web service
    * Email/Alert connector

    This latest update has made some major additions to the email connector, which I think are fantastic. These are the changes I've been waiting for, for some time.

    I'd like to make a few suggestions here and get peoples feedback. These features maybe here, I'm just unaware of them ;)

    1) Email connector, when people submit a ticket to and cc people in, have these people automatically added to the tickets recipients.

    2) Email connector, editing html emails seems like a problem. Not sure how I can edit these directly to add html to them. Currently it still looks like plain text.

    3) Set up email alerts for specific things, IE: New ticket gets opened, emails default person for that company. Same for ticket closed, ticket updates, *status of ticket change*, charges etc. Adding some kind of automation & workflow would be nice. Also allowing this to be customer specific would be a nice addition.

    4) SLAs to be added toCommitCRM. You will notice Zendesk has this feature. I don't use it (but I did steal a few of their ideas :) Basically if a ticket is sitting in queue for along time and no action is taken, it's bought to the technicians attention or his/her manager. IE: Critical tickets require a 1hr response.

    5) Automatic rollover of contracts. You know the idea. I have a contract that spans 12 months, I'd like the option of it rolling over each month to allow tickets to be set to that specific month, allows for better reporting and control.

    6) Knowledgebase articles to be assigned to specific customers. Allowing them to login and see them at a customers home screen, which brings me to the next point.

    7) Customer home screen. It's a bit of a mess now when a customer logs in. Especially if they have been sending a lot of tickets via email. Very hard to navigate. Would be very nice if they can get a simple home screen, like open tickets, closed tickets, charges this month, knowledgebase articles, last logins etc.

    8) More of a focus on the webased client. I would prefer to use this over the workstation/windows client

    9) Allowing CommitCRM to be used over vpn/network more easily. If you've tried running CommitCRM over a VPN you know what I'm talking about. Very, very slow. Not sure what it's doing, but it doesn't work like a normal database driven app.

    Overall, I really like CommitCRM. I think eventually I will move away from it, nothing to do with CommitCRM. I am a .net programmer by nature, and programing is what I love doing. We need a bit more customisation in our system, something that CommitCRM can't give me at this present time. However, I believe some of these features I've listed will be on a lot of other CommitCRM customers minds.

    Sorry for the long winded email, but I haven't posted anything here in along time, so the 3-4 years makes up for it :)

    Hayden Kirk
    Mobile PC (NZ)

    Re: New version


    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and providing your [detailed] suggestions.


