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Tax Codes on Charges

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    Tax Codes on Charges

    Hi all

    Can someone please clarify exactly what I should see when creating a new charge. I have setup all Accounts and all Items with the same tax code. When I select a labour charge and enter the hours, it shows the correct rate, but I don't see the tax added to the total amount, just the net this correct? Also, when I then create and invoice across to Quickbooks, I have to manually select the Tax to be applied.



    Re: Tax Codes on Charges

    Hi Chris,

    Charge records hold the net value.

    When generating a Charge report that is defined to show taxes, taxes will be added.
    For example, when printing "Technician Service Form Including Charges1" taxes will be added after the Charges logged for the Ticket will be listed. Another example is the "Detailed Account Charges by Tickets" report.

    In addition, taxes are only added when Taxes are defined to the Item select for the Charges AND the Tax/es is/are also defined for the selected Account.
    You can learn more about taxes here and here.

    When using RangerMSP QuickBooks Link taxing is handled solely by QuickBooks. You can still manage taxes in RangerMSP, however, when invoice are generated QuickBooks will decide whether to add taxes or not based on the taxes settings to the items/customers in QuickBooks.
    When the RangerMSP Items and the QuickBooks Items are synced, new QuickBooks invoices created from within RangerMSP use the parallel QuickBooks Item, as selected for the Charge in RangerMSP. This way, you do not need to manually add that Tax each time as you've already set the taxes settings to the Item in QuickBooks.

    I hope this helps.

