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Email (Employee) Recipients

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    Email (Employee) Recipients

    I added several employees to a ticket's employee recipients list just for monitoring purposes. When the customer responded to the email connector address, they CC'd all these same internal employee addresses. Anyway to add employees/internal addresses as BCC only?

    For now actually I've solved this myself - I think I can simply add them as external addresses as BCC on the left list. Have to enter the addresses manually, but... works.

    Getting used to these new features :)

    Re: Email (Employee) Recipients


    I'll try to clarify how the system works and it may help:
    Employee Recipients receive all email communication send to/from the customer as follows:

    When an email comes in from a customer - the email connector sends it To: the Ticket Manager employees, and Cc: to all other Employee Recipients. This way all employees know which other employees have received this email and they do not need to forward it again to other employees just to make sure the other employees also received the email from the customer.

    When a Reply is sent to the customer by an employee - All Employee Recipients are automatically BCC'd to the response.

    In regards to you resolution - you should be aware that adding Employee email address as BCC to the External Recipients list is possible, however, these employees will only receive other Employee Replies TO the Customer, but will NOT receive any incoming email messages from the customer (the External Recipients list is only used as recipients for outgoing emails sent by employees). These "external recipients" employees will also not receive any internal email communication between employees regarding this ticket - in other words, when employees CC/BCC the email connector, their reply is sent to ALL other employees (i.e. Employee Recipients) without being sent to the customer (i.e. to External Recipients). This feature helps employees communicate internally on a ticket, without having this communication sent to the customer. So, when employees are listed as External Recipients, as in your resolution,... they're out-of-the-loop for such communication.

    More information on this can be found here.

    I hope this helps.



      Re: Email (Employee) Recipients


      Thanks, and yes I understood how the system worked but forgot that this would limit communication. So then, how can we BCC only employees? I can't foresee anyone wanting the customer to actually see all the employee email addresses if there are more than one or two. And if they reply-to-all, then the employee will get twice as the Connector will send to them and the customer replying to all addresses.


        Re: Email (Employee) Recipients


        When a reply is sent by Employee to the Customer (technically, by sending the email only To: the email connector address), the email is sent to all External Recipients (i.e. the customer) and it is also automatically BCC to All employees (listed as Employee Recipients), this way the customer do not see any employee email addresses and do not Reply-to-all of them causing problems - customers reply only to the email connector address (usually and their email is automatically sent to all relevant employees. When replying to the customer (the connector email address) - all Employee Recipients WILL automatically get a copy of the other employee reply (they are BCC'd automatically in the reply to the customer).

        I hope this helps.

