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Monthly flat rate contract no time limit

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    Monthly flat rate contract no time limit

    Hi everyone,

    I've been reading the posts about contracts but have not found one that matches our style. We have a few customers that are on a monthly contract. The big differences between what I've seen posted and ours are:
    - One contract is billed weekly in advance
    - The rest are billed monthly at the end of the month
    - These contracts are for a block of money with no cap on time
    - We track activity through charges so we can present the client with details of what they are getting for their money
    - We create Quickbooks invoices from the charges

    My questions are:
    - How to properly set up these contracts
    - How to enter charges against them and/or the tickets


    Re: Monthly flat rate contract no time limit


    Each Contract has a date range. Block Contracts also have a Block cap (Time/Money/Tickets).
    There’s a complete separation between the Contract date range, and the time you bill your client for it (up front or a the end).

    Each Contract holds Contract-Price Charges. These Charges represent the money you wish to bill your client for this contract. These are added to your QuickBooks invoice as they are Billable. You generate the QuickBooks invoice according to your business needs. The Contract will still cover the service for its defined date range, and option its block cap.

    Activity performed under Contracts/Tickets should be tracked using Charges.
    These Charges are Billable or Not-Billable depending on the Contract.
    You can include Not-Billable Charges in your QuickBooks invoice. These will not affect the invoice total. Only Billable Charges will (these include the Contract-Price Charge records, plus, any additional activity Charge you set as Billable as it is not covered by the Contract.

    You can learn more about Contract-Price Charges (Billing Contracts) here.
    You can learn more about Contracts here.


