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    Copying from this thread

    As for a global roadmap - we plan to release a high level roadmap soon after 5.3 is officially released. This would provide useful information on where we're going.
    We invest a lot of resources in the future releases of CommitCRM and we agree that it should be transparent to our users, especially when our users are the ones that guide us and tell us where to go next.
    Just wondering if you are still planning to release that roadmap, and if so... Where would I find a copy? :)



    Re: Roadmap

    Hi Luke,

    Good point :-) Thank you. Yes, we do plan to publish a roadmap. Actually we've been very busy with the new RangerMSP 5.3 and then with 5.4. Yes! You read right, just a few weeks after the release of 5.3, RangerMSP 5.4 enters Beta :-) (send us and email if you wish to join).



      Re: Roadmap


      Very impressive. Just loaded up the Beta for 5.4. So that means 5.5 should be released around the end of July, right?? :) (Just kidding!)



        Re: Roadmap



          Re: Roadmap

          In my daily news alerts I received the following link to an article that I feel speaks directly to what we've been trying to communicate to CommitCRM about having a roadmap. I couldn't have made the point any better myself.


            Re: Roadmap

            Interesting. Thank you for providing the link to this article. I'll forward it internally here.



              Re: Roadmap

              Ok, sorry to beat a dead horse, but could we revisit that whole roadmap idea? This has been promised a number of times, and it seems like it never materializes... To be honest, yes, I'm trying to figure out whether or not I should stay with Commit, or start out the year with a new PSA! I feel like I'm pushing the limits of Commit, and I'm getting frustrated with that, even though I love the product and the company... It seems like I'm going to have to switch eventually. Okay, yeah I could limp along for ever, but that's not what I want to do...

              Thanks for your input!


                Re: Roadmap


                True. This issue indeed came up for several times and we do intend to publish a public one.
                I believe that the reason why it hasn't been published yet is simply because everyone has been so busy with all the recent releases (5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 all came out within a period of 5 months!) and we're now busy working the next release.

                Anyway, I'll forward this request internally. For now, if you have any specific question/s on a specific feature/s please feel free contact us directly and we'll be happy to provide some feedback.



                  Re: Roadmap



                    Re: Roadmap

                    Luke, I don't think they read the article I posted the link to very well. It clearly communicated what we've been saying here from months. All we get back each time is that they are so busy driving that they can't tell where we're going.



                      Re: Roadmap


                      We have read it. And you don't just get "we're busy" you get much more frequent version releases with a lot more of options and new features in each release.

                      I'm not saying that we don't like the roadmap idea, we do like it. I'm just trying soften the criticism so new members and potential customers reading this, completely transparent and open, forum will have a more balanced information.

                      Anyway, we appreciate your feedback.

                      Have a great weekend.



                        Re: Roadmap

                        I guess I have to say... I was on a few different webinars for a couple different competing products, and I appreciate a lot of things about CommitCRM more. For instance during two different demos with one of the products, the product crashed. Actions that can be done with a couple clicks in CommitCRM took 4-6 in the competition. Data that can be seen at a glance and acted on in CommitCRM has to accessed from different screens in some of the competition.

                        Yes, there are a LOT of features they had that I wish CommitCRM had, but the complexity that it brings isn't worth it to me right now. It would take months of implementation to get it rolling, not to mention $1000's of $$$$.

                        So, Commit, keep up your good work. Looking forward to the next version.


                          Re: Roadmap

                          what are the highlights of the new version please.


                            Re: Roadmap

                            @lpopejoy - Thank you for posting this feedback. Much appreciated :-)

                            @mcjack - The new features included in the latest official release of RangerMSP (5.5) are listed here. Features of future releases are not currently being published, Until we'll launch a public roadmap we may be able to reply to a specific feature you're after by email.


