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Resolve VS Charge when closing tickets

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    Resolve VS Charge when closing tickets

    I'm a bit confused about adding resolution information to a ticket.

    If I put the resolution in the CHARGE, which I normally would do in our old system, am I right that I ALSO have to put it into the resolution field, meaning double entry?

    Where is the best place to put the steps taken to resolve an issue for a simple ticket that has only one "charge"/"Resolution"?

    I want the client to see the work performed on invoices, as well as have a record for our support tech. but entering the same info in two places seems redundant.



    Re: Resolve VS Charge when closing tickets

    Hi Gavin,

    Thank you for asking this.

    I don't think that there's one answer for this. It depends on the type of Ticket, the type of customer (what you want them to see or not) and the way your business works.

    The Ticket Resolution should usually consists of a short summary that explains how the issue was resolved. Even if 3 different technician worked to resolved it, each spend several hours, some parts where used, etc. (i.e. a lot of Charges under the same Ticket), the Resolution should explain the main steps that were followed to resolve the issue.

    For simple "1 Charge" Tickets you may omit filling in the Resolution, or copy and paste the Charge description into the Resolution field (we have a feature request to easily fill the Resolution field from Charge descriptions).

    Remember that in most cases customer see the Charge description as it is added to the Invoice you send them (as an Invoice Line). You may also use the Ticket Resolution field to write details that you do not want to be presented to customer.

    I hope this provides some useful information on the subject.


